First time shocker...
"Got a fag? mate"
To which I was frozen for a second or two.
"A ciggy mate, a ciggy"
To which I realized he was asking for a cigarrette.
"Yeah, want a light?"
"Man, I gotta get some pants"
To which my friends were laughing at me
"What?" I said
"Do you need underwear? or trousers?" they said
Lesson learned.
"How about 'Spotted dick?' tried that? " my friend asked.
"What the hell is that?!" I said
"It's not what you think mate"
"Would you like a snog?"
To which I replied with "Pardon?"
"Would you like a snog?" louder this time.
" thanks"
Lesson learned.
About half hour later
"Care to join us?" said one of the 2 girls at a club
"No thanks, I'm too tired"
That's just whole another story
(Still learning)