"To lay the table" (placing dinner settings on a table "My God! Mind the knife drawer")
"To knock someone up" (practice in Lancashire of giving someone a wake-up call. "This yank couldn't believe me when I said we had professional knocker-uppers in Lacashire! Yeah, I said - if they stand on a fence they can reach the bedroom window!")
"To lose one's cherry" ("Dog's run off with it down the road, mate")
"A rubber" (trans : Eraser. "Used to give us one when we started school - had to last you four years, that did. Nice and big so you can write your name on it")
Originally posted by Jones the Paint Magnet Reminds me of an old Mike Harding sketch:
"A rubber" (trans : Eraser. "Used to give us one when we started school - had to last you four years, that did. Nice and big so you can write your name on it")
UK, well the transaltion would be impossible anyway - it cannae be done! but roughly translated would be along the lines of "shut up and sit on your front bottom".
Fanny Pack in US= a bag worn on strap around the waist. (bum bag)
Fanny Pack in UK= a brown parcel arriving through the post with something you order from the back of a mens magazine, which takes batteries and is 'guarenteed' as good as the real thing. Allegedly