Personally I have no idea what's goin' on behind the scenes and I understand the frustration of the teams who need to plan, but this between-season, like the last, has been filled with intrigues and serious maneuvering. This has obviously been precipitated by major happenings in major league tournament PB in the past couple of years: the morphing of NPPL S7, the arrival of X Ball and the subsequent ambitions of Dick Clark Productions to make it a continually televised series plus the phenomenal growth of the sport.
The apparent success of both NPPL S7 and X Ball threw Millennium into a scramble to at least keep up with the status quo, that after being the innovators and the avant garde. Obviously Millennium wanted to be in a position to cash in on major successes in either camps (NPPL or X Ball) or at least not miss the train and that meant difficult fence-straddling.
We all know the issues that have come up recently: the question of NXL's TV success, the defection of many NXL teams contrasted with the growth of PSP's Division X Ball, the rapid growth of NPPL as a quality series that is intelligently promoted and had all the top teams in the world scrambling to qualify for their pro league. And then the possibility of NPPL moving into the European market under their own name.
All of this, and more, have meant that the business people of the Millennium--who have invested so much of their time, money and energy--have been forced into some very hard decisions which could well make a lot of difference to their futures and whether or not all they have done will come to nought or not.
So my guess is that they are still scrambling to work out the final details of exactly what the program will be. Under these circumstances (if I'm right) it could be dangerous and/or counter-productive for them to make public speculation about what might happen.
This is extremely frustrating for me because I have no idea if I will be involved or not and, of course, I want to be. I feel like we were just beginning to get the kinks worked out in our judging program and our X Ball.
So, if I'm right about this, please have patience a few more days. Things will have to be worked out and must come to light soon.