JD : I'm sitting in my living room, in front of a PS2. Looking up, I can see at least 9 PS2 games of violent nature. Max Payne, Rachet and Clank, Tomb Raider, Spy Hunter, "Fist Full of Boomstick"....
On one hand, I don't play Spy Hunter for 4 hours and jump into my car to drive like a maniac and shoot vehicles. I understand that video games are fantasy.
On the other, I know for a fact that several kids have been injured due to emulating things they've seen in video games and movies. Disney put out a "coming of age" movie in which football players lay on a highway, on teh dotted lines, to prove thier manhood. Some kids were killed trying that.
As far as I'm concerned, this guy is looking to make a movie. I don't think that his motives are any more sinister than that. Keep in mind that paintball has gotten a lot worse treatment by TV shows and movies (To rent "Gotcha" or "All's Fair" if you need a few good laughs... I'll grant that you may not have access to that movie, but bear with me...) It won't be the 'death knoll' of paintball if he makes a piece using paintball.
Granted, gun violence is more pronounced in the USA. We're not insensitive, just that I understand that art simply "is". If you look at what this guy is doing as an art project, it's not that awful. And from all I've read from teh gent, he's not going to be saying that "This is how paintball is played", but he's making a movie.
(EDIT ADD) Granted, asking a group of paitball players if it's a good idea is like asking a burn unit if they have a light, but you can't fault someone for trying to make a movie on thier own dime. All told, it's not THAT violent, considering that other movies (Gotcha) took it to an extreme. Hell, someone made a movie in which someone was killed by a paintgun discharged multiple times down a "bad guy's" throat. (Oh yeah, the group of heroes were all paintball players)
Take it from someone who's DONE it. It's not that easy. Or cheap. Hey, all power to him, hope he makes it look REALLY cool, and I hope it opens doors for him. It's just paintball folks.
One short film won't change the tide of the sport.