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Thinking about shooting a little movie...


New Member
Dec 31, 2001
Brighton, UK
Originally posted by L1f3
Legal ramifications is zero my friend... you ask opinions you get em... public forum, freedom of speech etc etc...
Yeah fair enough, I just took great offense to that comment, as that was obviously not what my "I don't believe in censorship" meant. Sorry for going off on one, edit amended!

Anyway, as for the film, I really do appreciate the comments people have made here. No offense to paintballers was meant, and the ideas people have suggested regarding other means of conveying the audio and visual aspects of the guns firing has been good. I think I'll do some recording this weekend down a drainpipe and see how it pans out :) I'll take these other ideas into consideration and see what happens.

As I've said, if it happens I'll let you all know. I think it's safe to say almost everyone who posted is against it and no-one has come forward offering help so I'll leave it at that on this board :)

Again I'm sorry so many people think this is setting a bad example for paintballing. I enjoy the sport as much as the rest of you!



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Nah man I appreciate your enthusiasm to do something paintball related :)

If I had the time/cash/resources I would probably want to do something myself.

If you want what you do to get some appreciation/admiration from people though maybe rethink what you want to do :)

Personally I'd love to whack together a dvd with good quality footage of tourneys, interviews etc of the UK scene, something which no one has done yet, and something I feel there is a massive market for :) Not that I think the monetary side of things is your top priority, but its always nice to get some ROI ain't it :)

Has no one considered a project like this? Maybe following a season of the M25/MM/S2k3, or a mixture of em all??

Just a thought :)


Dec 29, 2001
land of the picts
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Originally posted by Chain

No offense to paintballers was meant

no-one has come forward offering help so I'll leave it at that on this board

i dont think that many of us took offense, i certainly didn't. however i do think that a lot of people are worried about the way this will portary pball as a sport. we are trying to move away from the gun toting image of yesteryear. i live in scotland and paintball here was actually banned for almost 6 years after a paticular firearms instance so guns/paintball isn't somethng we like that much

if u drop that part of the footage i am pretty sure that you would be inundated with people who would be only to happy to help and get themselves on film at the same time.

in fact if you want to come up to edinburgh i am pretty sure it would take about a millisecond or less to convince our whole squad to help out including usiing our site and a sup air field.

its not the project that worries everyone, its the regression to the rambo type image of the gun toting nutter


New Member
Dec 31, 2001
Brighton, UK
Intelligent replies!

L1f3 - I've no interest in doing the tourney thing, and anyway I really don't think it does much to promote paintball. Most of the DVD's are over priced, sub-standard fare usually only sold in paintball shops. To promote, you really need to attract a new market, not just appeal to the existing market. Tournie videos tend to suck. If I was to make one, well you'd need an overhead camera showing the WHOLE of the field. That way the casual viewer can see and understand what's going on. This can be inset picture in picture whenever close-up action is needed. Good commentary explaining what's going on. I'm showing my age here, but remember when US Football hit Channel 4 many years ago? No-one knew a thing about it, and the myriad rules, but through good commentary and pre-match explanations of how the game is player, the viewer built up a good understanding over the course of a season. For what it's worth, I think a good paintball video would need to change the paintball rules a little as well, such as limiting paint (per team or per player) - that would translate well for audiences, the tactics and it may just encourage more movement. Just my opinion ;->

smartecosse - thanks for the offer. I'm in Brighton but you never know ;-> OK taking away the gun flares and noise, what do you think of shooting the action like a John Woo gun fight though - people go down under 20 paintballs in slow motion and act "dead". That's pretty far removed from paintballing. I can see losing the flares and sounds, some ideas here have given good alternatives, but I don't think you can get away from the multi-balling death scenes. It's not that dramatic if someone "dies" with a hit on the shoe :)

I understand the Rambo problem! That's not the idea of course, but that may well be how some people see it. I'd prefer a Chow Yun Fat analogy personally :D



New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Full apology? what for......you stated that censorship was bad, classification good.........so anything goes as long as it's got a "certificate" . Rather than an apology from me, how about a clarification from you. Are you against all forms of censorship? or just some? that's what your post sounded like, so which is it?
If your against all censorship then my point stands, if not, then you should have been clearer.

And I don't think having people act dead after being hit by a paintball is a good image for the sport either.
As for reactions being just from the tournament minority, then that's probably true.........but then again, what did you expect from a paintball website?

Edit..added.just picked up on what you edited out of yours..legal ramifications? only one person sounding like a pillock now mate.

Here's an idea no one would get upset at........if you don't do it, I might. Paintballers cornered by vampires.night before a tourney........doctor paintballs with garlic paste and cue blade type shoot-out......that'd be cool. Total fantasy, no real people playing dead and lots of scope for make-up effects, how about it? now that I'll help you with.


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by JoseDominguez

And I don't think having people act dead after being hit by a paintball is a good image for the sport either.
That said though people getting emulsified was very good for getting joe public to try paintball out IIRC....



Old School, New Tricks
Chain :

As unpopular as this opinion will be, here's my take.

Just film. If you want to do it, do it. If you have a 'vision', then make it real. I've got a firend of mine who runs Vision Realm here in LaCrosse. He's made a lot of "trailers" to show what he can do. And now he's getting contacted by people like the Discovery Channel to do a CGI of Bigfoot.

If you're doing this for yourslef, then film. Make it real. To hell with the rest of 'em. It's art, let it be art.

As a paintball player, I would be intrested but I'd also know that it's not paintball. Don't put a lot of faith in the public to tell teh diffrence between fantasy and reality. Keep in mind that kids tried to do the "Jackass" stunts after seeing the movie. Same way that kids try the sunts they saw in a "Warren Miller" flick after they watch the video a dozen times. Heck, as long as the players wore goggles and masks, it's an intresting flick.

As long as you don't try to pass it off as "real" paintball, hey go for it. Make a film, make it a resume piece. I'm all for making films for the same of art.

To everyone else, no, it's not gonna reflect what "real" paintball is like. But let's face it. If he's making it to make it, what's the real harm in it? If I look up "Paintball Video" on any search engine, I'll get a lot better results. I wouldn't worry, it' snot like the whole "Bambi" thing all over again. It's just a short demo film.

I know it won't be a popular opinion, but I sometimes thing paintball is hyper-sensitive to anyhting that MIGHT be "bad for paintball". Lighten up. It's not like Evil Kenevil was bad for motocross now, was he?



New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Well I'm not hyper sensitive, I just think our whole approach to censorship and classification is wrong......... e.g. a 15 year old can see a brutal murder depicted on screen in any number of films, but if someone gets their kit off........ hell no, too disturbing to minors. We've got enough violent crap available without paintball getting dragged in too, it's not a knee-jerk reaction either...... why take a sport that's trying to move away from the violent image and add a whole host of violent trappings?
And it might attract some new players to paintball, probably will, but I don't want to be playing against anyone who started playing after seeing a video with "mock deaths" in it.
I can see where Tyger is coming from too........... You're in the US, where gun-crime is more prevelant and a video of paintball markers killing people will hardly seem worth worrying about.

And art for the sake of art? Often used to justify some pretty abhorent activities, and usualy geared towards eliciting a reaction just like the one we are giving now.

Basicaly boils down to "I'm making a video where we'll pretend to kill people with paintball guns, who thinks it's a good idea?"


Old School, New Tricks
JD : I'm sitting in my living room, in front of a PS2. Looking up, I can see at least 9 PS2 games of violent nature. Max Payne, Rachet and Clank, Tomb Raider, Spy Hunter, "Fist Full of Boomstick"....

On one hand, I don't play Spy Hunter for 4 hours and jump into my car to drive like a maniac and shoot vehicles. I understand that video games are fantasy.

On the other, I know for a fact that several kids have been injured due to emulating things they've seen in video games and movies. Disney put out a "coming of age" movie in which football players lay on a highway, on teh dotted lines, to prove thier manhood. Some kids were killed trying that.

As far as I'm concerned, this guy is looking to make a movie. I don't think that his motives are any more sinister than that. Keep in mind that paintball has gotten a lot worse treatment by TV shows and movies (To rent "Gotcha" or "All's Fair" if you need a few good laughs... I'll grant that you may not have access to that movie, but bear with me...) It won't be the 'death knoll' of paintball if he makes a piece using paintball.

Granted, gun violence is more pronounced in the USA. We're not insensitive, just that I understand that art simply "is". If you look at what this guy is doing as an art project, it's not that awful. And from all I've read from teh gent, he's not going to be saying that "This is how paintball is played", but he's making a movie.

(EDIT ADD) Granted, asking a group of paitball players if it's a good idea is like asking a burn unit if they have a light, but you can't fault someone for trying to make a movie on thier own dime. All told, it's not THAT violent, considering that other movies (Gotcha) took it to an extreme. Hell, someone made a movie in which someone was killed by a paintgun discharged multiple times down a "bad guy's" throat. (Oh yeah, the group of heroes were all paintball players)

Take it from someone who's DONE it. It's not that easy. Or cheap. Hey, all power to him, hope he makes it look REALLY cool, and I hope it opens doors for him. It's just paintball folks. :) One short film won't change the tide of the sport.
