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Thinking about shooting a little movie...


New Member
Dec 31, 2001
Brighton, UK
I honestly believe people can differentiate between reality and fiction. Issues about sex and violence on TV, well I don't want to get into a debate on that here. My opinion is simple - censorship is bad, classification is good.

Nw I can see why you say it is about paintball - the kit, the field, etc. Not the costumes of course (I've never seen anyone play in a suit before, but I'm sure someone, somewhere has before).

I can appreciate all the anti-gun noise / flare sentiments but, if you look at it from a purely movie stand point, paintguns (sorry - markers) being fired aren't really exciting. A little whisp of air and a blur flying out. On camera it's just not exciting enough; not visceral.

As for making something to "promote" paintball, well that's not my objective. I want to do something entertaining. As I see it, it may well promote paintball anyway. Some of the CG enhanced shots we're talking about should be fun. The action will be over the top. As for making a real paintball action sequence - I don't believe a realistic paintball game lends itself to a high octane action sequence. I've never seen a good film of a game (again I'm talking from a movie making perspective, I've seen videos of good games, but that's not the same thing). How the game is played just doesn't lend itself to an action movie. You need people running around like lunatics firing from the hip, charging the enemy with no concern for cover.

And making money off this thing has never occured to me, and isn't my intention. I'd put it on my website for free download.

Pissing people off? That was the last thing on my mind. I posted on here thinking it would be safer to make it with real paintballers. Guess I'll just use my mates instead :) Who knows, if we do make it, maybe people will enjoy it. As I said it's very much up in the air at the moment, there's a lot of things to come together before we can shoot it, and it may just turn out impractical.

I think our treatment is a lot more respectful than most of the paintball stuff you see on TV - no masks, shooting people in the nuts for comedic effect, etc.


neil mochan

Jun 17, 2003
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Don't do it.

matt , I think the genaral feeling is that this is "not" going to be good for paintball. paintball is fast becoming a recognised sport and the last thing we need is a link to real guns that could kill.
The only person that is going to profit from this is you and i don't think your going to convince anybody otherwise.


New Member
Dec 31, 2001
Brighton, UK
Well that's a more straight forward, productive response :)

I'm going to leave this thread alone now. You are right, the response hasn't been good at all - not what I expected. I honestly believe something like this would do more to "promote" paintball than any number of tournie videos, which after all only appeal to enthusiasts in the first place. If people liked it, they'd want to give paintball a try, and then it would become apparent that paintball isn't about "killing". That's my opinion and I respect everyone elses, though I'm surprised no-one has come forward with anything other than a negative reaction.

The feedback hasn't diminished my enthusiasm in making it, though of course I have considered what has been said.

If (and again I emphasise the big if) we do make it I'll let you all know, not in an inflammatory way but simply because I think there may be someone, somewhere who'd actually enjoy it for what it is.

Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate the candor.



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Originally posted by Chain
As for making something to "promote" paintball, well that's not my objective. I want to do something entertaining. As I see it, it may well promote paintball anyway.
Push/Sunday drivers etc are really entertaining and don't contain any unrealistic footage??!! :) Personally can't see this promoting paintball in any way shape or form :)

Just as Hunting Bambi, juvinile paintball attacks, the spree of war based scenario games etc did and have not helped at all.

It seems that just as people are trying to pull away from the war scenario image of paintball there are people trying to take a step back...

May appeal to some, but I think the majority of people would express the same opinion as others have here already...



New Member
Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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I say go for it but drop the gun sounds and barrel flare effects... shoot slow-mo, as a lot of the John-Woo style stuff is done, sample a paintball firing, bass it up, add some air noise and you're about there for a decent sound. Lay a soundtrack over it and very few people will miss the "rat-a-tat" of real guns.

Guys, he's talking about doing a fun project. It's not going to be seen by millions so please can the "oh it's going to ruin everything" rubbish.

Sunday Drivers wasn't in the least bit entertaining.. boring **** that had me turning it off half way through the third "track" when I realised someone had tried to con me into watching an hour of arty **** dressed up as music videos.. Push was only a slight improvement.

Worth bearing in mind here that we tourney ballers are not in the majority of paintballers, so when someone comments...

May appeal to some, but I think the majority of people would express the same opinon as others have"
...they are probably talking out of their hat.



Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Not talking out of my hat fella, or disputing the fact that tournament players are only a minority involved in paintball. An opinion has been asked for on a forum predominantly made up of tourny players who have said they don't like the idea.

Will probably appeal to rec or scenario players, just not a touney players cup of tea. :)



New Member
Oct 31, 2001
Beds, UK
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I conceed these forums users are predominantly tourney players.

I'll even conceed an opinion was asked for on this forum made up of predominantly tourney players.

But with 130 views, and only 16 posts (this will make 17) by 11 different people, I don't think I will conceed that the users predominatly don't like the idea... most don't seem to care enough to voice an opinion.

Though you are probably right about scenario and rec players. :)



Honk! Parp! Toot!
Oct 12, 2001
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hot paintball action


Paintball guns do sound a bit tinny, but like everyone else real gone sounds (and muzzle flash) will look daft. Here's my suggestions;

as the person above said, playing with the sound levels may help, or simply record a marker being fired down a drainpipe.

As for the muzzleflash, use gas/smoke instead of flames, if you dont have stock smoke footage that looks right then simply place a small amount of talc in the barrel of a marker and fire through (just video it from a bunch of angles and comp it in) or knock up someCG smoke. Not to hard.

I once had a friend mention a film plan involving paintballers. The idea was a group of mates are playing/training in the woods when all of a sudden a bunch of zombies invade. Bit strange, but could have been damn fun.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Just because people can tell something isn't real, doesn't make it right to do it. Films aren't real, but it doesn't mean you should just be able to show anything. It obviously makes no difference what we think, you are set on what you want to do. The negative reaction is still publicity and that's what this kind of thing relies on. Who'd have heard of "HUNT FOR BAMBI" if it hadn't been blasted on the threads? (and it's the video that's making the cash).
Paintball made it into one mainstream film last year. 8 mile, and was that a good image for the sport? probably didn't attract many new players to the sport. And we all new it wasn't real.......no hopper, marker fired "gangsta style" but I'll guarantee a fair few kids thought "that'd be cool" and bought the first brass eagle cat shooter/vandal special they could find.
But the film industry relies on stuff like this, if a film gets negative press and "should be banned" it's guaranteed success, no matter how pointless it is.