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The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by Robbo

Oh come, come now Tyger, I would hardly call it flaming but you have to admit, that by enquiring as to the nature of some well known player's underwear, this does leave you open to some......how shall we put it ? .....Speculation as to your motives !!!

And it's a reasonable speculation because if I had ever suffered from such an perverse affliction, the last thing I would do is make it public.
But, that is your prerogative and I'm sure you have a reason for wanting to let us know your sexual predilections .
And Tyger, the 'large word, nothing to say' comment...that was weak, extremely weak and ultimately contradictory as you then went on in an attempt to counter my post (the same post you just said had nothing to it).
Laters Rob :)
Pete (Ck's, Armani's and Boss, my house is a Speedo free zone)
Motive : To get your underwear in a bunch.

Perversions : If yer a real man you'd look yourself!

Large words : See? Your underwear IS in a bunch!

And I really don't believe your place is a speedo free zone... I need to find Robbo's wife and ask her...

-Tyger (Naw, I'd never find her, kniwng Pete he's got her convinced I'm some kind of giant stalker or omething...)


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Robo never used to drink...even now he only has tha odd beer or vodka.

Hmm, similarity No.1 between Robo and Tyger, can we find anymore?
There were 7 astronauts on the Space Shuttle Challenger.
There were 7 castaways on Gilligan's island!

COincidence? I think NOT!

There are the same letters in "SANTA" as there are in "SATAN". They both wear red and black and are shrouded in mystery! Have you ever seen the two of them together?

coincidence?? I think NOT!!!

-Tyger (Who has a pic of Robbo and me together...)