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The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Now that Tyger's been psychoanalyzed

in a more mundane yet practical mode I would suggest that while boxers are certainly more comfortable the issue of support seems one worthy of consideration. And anyone who can play paintball without considering the support issue mustn't have much to support, right?:)
So perhaps Robo and TJ have "revealed" more than they intended.:D

PS--I think what Tyger is getting at in a very roundabout sort of way is--he'd like to see a centerfold in PGI--hot Pro players in their skivvies.:eek:


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by Robbo

Tyger, these type aberrations to human behaviour are not to be found in such mundane places as closets, they are located deep within the annals of your mind borne out of a teen or pre-teen rejection event and then probably compounded by some under-achievement disappointment relating to paintball.
So whilst your conscious mind rejects the tournament pro baller for what you see as epitomising all that is wrong with this game, your sub-conscious embraces the truth of the matter and realises, these guys are at the top of the sport and got there by being the best and accordingly, you hero worship them to the point where you want to know what rubs up against their ass, a metaphor no doubt, for something you also wish to indulge in.
I find that people use large words when they really have nothing to say.

And this must be a controvercial topic, Robbo is flaming me again. Actually, if Robbo is flaming me, what does that say about his own status as an underwear maven? Perhaps I should call the mirsus and ask how m any pairs of speedos he's got in his drawer, or how many hours he spends modeling them in front of the mirror, working out his own "teen or pre-teen rejection event"?

I don't know about Robbo, but I had a good paintball weekend, thank ye large.

(Investing in gaffer tape in the So Cal region now...)


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by TJ Lambini
Tyger, you sure start some weird threads...it's a good job you're like 12ft 8" or I swear you'd attract some seriously ****ed up stalkers.
I already kinda do.

I mean, take this letter I got recently.

"Darling. I love you. Marry me or I'll kill myself."

Well, I was a bit disturbed until I noticed that the envelope was marked "Occupant".



Naughty Paintball God
Mar 28, 2002
Norman Park, Georgia
Tyger, it's a well known fact (and most people who know me will verify this) that I have an extremely low tolerance for alcohol...Killeronion gave me ONE Hand Grenade at MGO and the next morning I had this rediculous hat on my head, Brandi had lost what little respect she had for me, Bryan just glared at me alot, and KO was telling me how I was charming the ladies into showing off their blessings without me giving up much in the way of beads...so...the statement "I can't drink" isn't really an excuse here, unless you meant to say that the missus doesn't ALLOW you to drink. If that's the case, then you have my sympathy.

As for dissing on Robbo, I wouldn't worry yourself too much about him being angry with you...he's still miffed at me for a show I did earlier this year that disagreed with an article that he wrote...I'm currently trying to get my future brother in law to come to IAO with me so as to avoid getting beaten to a hairy pulp by him.

As for your supposed mental 'issues', I dunno...I hope they're not as Robbo stated.... *shudder*


Lord of the Ringtones
Originally posted by Tyger

I find that people use large words when they really have nothing to say.

And this must be a controvercial topic, Robbo is flaming me again. Actually, if Robbo is flaming me, what does that say about his own status as an underwear maven? Perhaps I should call the mirsus and ask how m any pairs of speedos he's got in his drawer, or how many hours he spends modeling them in front of the mirror, working out his own "teen or pre-teen rejection event"?

I don't know about Robbo, but I had a good paintball weekend, thank ye large.
Ahem. If Robbo's (or mine for that matter) words are "big" for you, get a thesaurus. Geez, I think this recalls a post about English vs. US writers here...little wonder that apart from a few they don't respect us much. They seemed to be impressed with my speech while over there at any rate. Man, step it up a bit, if not for us for your country!

--Define "good." Good by Robbo's standard? Man, we should be reading about you then, shouldn't we? Otherwise, keep practicing and maybe invest in some heavier artillery than pump guns and go after some bigger fish for a change instead of catching 3 oz goldfish out of the pond in your back yard and talking/thinking like you win marlin tournaments in Hawaii.


Old School, New Tricks
Furb : No, I can not drink. Unless you want to take me to a hospital, that is.

KO : Dude. Decaf. Sarcasim. If you're taking this thread about underwear personally you've got issues dude. Besides, I save the good stuff for the magazine, not posting.



Lord of the Ringtones
Originally posted by Tyger
Umm, I can't drink, but thank you.

Weak. Can't? It's an acquired talent, one that I've by choice slipped far below my former levels of glory, but certainly far from an impossible feat. Budget doesn't allow it? Ok, that's a reasonable out for most circumstances I grant you, but not one for when the gauntlet is at your feet. If you're going to let me or even the lesser capacity but none the less hardcore Furby beat you without at least stepping up to the plate, just go ahead and start wearing pink panties on the outside of your cargo pants when you play and change your name to Tygress or Tygrette.