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The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!


Lord of the Ringtones
Aw, come on Furby, she respects you! That hat looked cool on you anyway. I've said it a few times and I'll say it again: you don't get as drunk as you think you do. Believe me, there wasn't anything going on that wouldn't have otherwise and you weren't stumbling or babbling or doing anything you didn't want to do. If you were the singing type you probably could have outdone the Rolling Stones. Alcohol is just an enhancer that revvs up the high performance Formula1 hardcore partying maniacs that are usually stuck in 3rd gear for most of the day. We need more New Orleans time than once a year. Why did Masters switch to Chicago anyway? That place is COLD in that part of the year. Who wants to be cold? I don't spend all day in the sun in hopes that I'll be buried up to my neck in snow and turned into an Onion flavored FreezePop.


Old School, New Tricks
I repeat. Unless you want to take me to the hospital, pay for the treatment, and somehow get me home, no. I don't measure virility by how much alcohol you claim to consume or not.

And if that isn't good enough for you, then ****ing wah. I don't drink alcohol. I can't drink alcohol. And I feel the better man for not drinking alcohol.

I bet you wear briefs, don't you?



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Tyger

I find that people use large words when they really have nothing to say.

And this must be a controvercial topic, Robbo is flaming me again. Actually, if Robbo is flaming me, what does that say about his own status as an underwear maven? Perhaps I should call the mirsus and ask how m any pairs of speedos he's got in his drawer, or how many hours he spends modeling them in front of the mirror, working out his own "teen or pre-teen rejection event"?
I don't know about Robbo, but I had a good paintball weekend, thank ye large.
(Investing in gaffer tape in the So Cal region now...)

Oh come, come now Tyger, I would hardly call it flaming but you have to admit, that by enquiring as to the nature of some well known player's underwear, this does leave you open to some......how shall we put it ? .....Speculation as to your motives !!!

And it's a reasonable speculation because if I had ever suffered from such an perverse affliction, the last thing I would do is make it public.
But, that is your prerogative and I'm sure you have a reason for wanting to let us know your sexual predilections .
And Tyger, the 'large word, nothing to say' comment...that was weak, extremely weak and ultimately contradictory as you then went on in an attempt to counter my post (the same post you just said had nothing to it).
Laters Rob :)
Pete (Ck's, Armani's and Boss, my house is a Speedo free zone)