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The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!

TJ 2

New Member
Sep 9, 2001
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Man, underwqear is like, sooooooooooooo 90s...going al fresco is the new black...don't you guys know anything?


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Re: Re: The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!

Originally posted by Tyger
I think I hit a nerve.... My, how defensive Robbo is!
As I told Psycho Mom once "It's only a fettish if you make someone else do it."
Actually, I posted this just to get someone's underwear in a bunch. I wasn't AIMING at Robbo, but I seemed to hit anyhow.
Methinks I've hit some kind of knee-jerk brief reaction from Robbo there, anyone else find that a wee bit disturbing?
-Tyger (Who isn't answeringg his own question, if yer man enough to find out, yer welcome to it.)
Hmmmmm, a feeble, if not unpredictable attempt at a defensive comeback and one that will convince nobody who has an IQ above three and a half.

So, no nerves hit here Tyger with your profound analysis of the deeper workings of my mind and if you really need to smokescreen the fact I have exposed your hero worshipping fettishes, you will have to do a lot better than that first attempt me old mate.
After all, when you mix it with the big boys Rob, you gotta come to the fight well 'tooled up' and at the moment mate, you're in a gun fight with a plastic knife :)


Old School, New Tricks
Umm, I can't drink, but thank you.

And, Pete, if you want to believe I have an undergarment fettish, you'r emore than welcome to look in my closet to find that, indeed, there really are no skeletons in it. A deer, a blue bunny, and a tiger yes, but no skeletons with underwear fettishes.



Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Tyger
Umm, I can't drink, but thank you.
And, Pete, if you want to believe I have an undergarment fettish, you'r emore than welcome to look in my closet to find that, indeed, there really are no skeletons in it. A deer, a blue bunny, and a tiger yes, but no skeletons with underwear fettishes.
Tyger, these type aberrations to human behaviour are not to be found in such mundane places as closets, they are located deep within the annals of your mind borne out of a teen or pre-teen rejection event and then probably compounded by some under-achievement disappointment relating to paintball.
So whilst your conscious mind rejects the tournament pro baller for what you see as epitomising all that is wrong with this game, your sub-conscious embraces the truth of the matter and realises, these guys are at the top of the sport and got there by being the best and accordingly, you hero worship them to the point where you want to know what rubs up against their ass, a metaphor no doubt, for something you also wish to indulge in.

That consultation Tyger, was for free mate, no fee charged as it was sooo damn obvious to spot.
Laters Mate :)