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The most controversial topic in paintball to DATE!


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Originally posted by Tyger
Hamm. Lasoya. Love. Lambini. Tyger. Robbo. Long. Martin. Chopra. Youngblood. Miller. Gardner. Hendsh. Braun. Idris. Dollack. Italia. Postervono. Durty Dan...
Boxers or briefs? :D
Yes, I'm whimsical.

Whimsical ?
Flimsical !!!!

I for one begin to question, albeit in a friendly way, the real reasons why any man would want to know the underwear choices of some of the top personalities in paintball.
I mean, underwear fetishes are not an unknown phenomenon as is self-evident whenever Tom Jones used to sing on stage and adoring females hurled their panties at him.
Are we really seeing this type behaviour but in a less overt manner from Tyger ?
I mean, whilst Tyger generally maligns the top people in the sport, it looks as though he may just be harbouring some sexual fantasies that are somehow satisfied on learning their underwear selections.
Any defence of my speculation Tyger, may well fall prey to the observation of you 'Doth protest too much', so I think perhaps silence may well be a virtue from now on, albeit a self-incriminating one :)
Robbo (wearing Ck Boxers, only faggots wear briefs)


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Damn , I just realised something looking at that list of people Tyger just mentioned, ok, here goes, Danny Love wears boxers, Lasoya wears Boxers as do Billy and Adam Gardner, Renick Miller wears huge Boxers as does Dave Youngblood, Chuck Hendsch and TJ Lambini.......hmmm, now the reason I know all this (AND I AIN'T NO FAGGOT) is that I have roomed with all of these people at one time or another at tournaments and / or at their houses.
Hmmmm, was that just a massive dollop of name dropping or what? :)


Apr 24, 2002
Visit site
Maybe tyger is interested in what all the good players wear coz he thinks it gives em magical powers (really i wear boxers and when i dive in a wet muddy patch i feel nuthing when it goes through my pants, see.... real magic)and will probably wear the same underwear :D to see if he can pull of great fetes in pball.

personally dont wear black boxers coz they attract a lot of heat and last thing u want is sweaty bollocks :p


M2Q'd eblade or the LV1...decisions, decisions
May 4, 2002
Originally posted by jeevusmaximus
I would have to say leopard print thong.
Ooh that's nasty, there might be young people reading and it'll give them nightmares.

actually it may give me nightmares!!

:D :D :D


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by Robbo
Whimsical ?
Flimsical !!!!

I for one begin to question, albeit in a friendly way, the real reasons why any man would want to know the underwear choices of some of the top personalities in paintball.
Robbo (wearing Ck Boxers, only faggots wear briefs)
I think I hit a nerve.... My, how defensive Robbo is!

As I told Psycho Mom once "It's only a fettish if you make someone else do it."

Actually, I posted this just to get someone's underwear in a bunch. I wasn't AIMING at Robbo, but I seemed to hit anyhow.

Methinks I've hit some kind of knee-jerk brief reaction from Robbo there, anyone else find that a wee bit disturbing?

-Tyger (Who isn't answeringg his own question, if yer man enough to find out, yer welcome to it.)