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The good old canabis debate


New Member
Jun 4, 2002
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My experience with weed

First of all I want to say that I love weed. I devoted years of my life to it, and I dont want anybody that disagrees with what I'm about to say to take it as an attack on weed. Since I started smoking weed I've been arrested twice, I'm in an outpatient rehab program and go to na meetings, I've done drugs such as ecstacy, coke, ketamine and shrooms. Overall I believe that its your choice whether you're going to smoke pot, but there are some people (with addictive personalities) that shouldnt be. Thats why I think it should be legal if your above 30 (just made that number up now). You should know who you are and have a certain maturity before you smoke pot. Teenagers shouldn't smoke pot, because it stifles the mental growing process.


***ud father
Apr 12, 2002
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Ok, back after a little more research. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences says that smoking weed is carcinogenic, ergo bad for you. That is the best reason of all not to do it. As to being more or less dangerous than other drugs that are legal, the issue is angrily contested on both sides with each side producing studies and experts to back up their claims. The only thing they all seem to agree on is the first statement in this post; that smoking weed can lead to cancer and other respiratory illnesses. While I personally believe that all vice crimes should be legalized, I don't believe this because one is inherently less bad or good than the other, but rather I believe that stupid eventually solves itself. When we allow laws to control what we can and can't do to our own bodies, we are effectively telling the makers of those laws that we are too stupid to know better on our own.


Ex Baller :-(
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by Tony

Playing at Elsham a few years ago, during the awards ceremony, there was a very familiar whiff coming from some of the paintballers stood next to me...... Dutch paintballers I believe!!!

i believe they were english but they are based in belgium


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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Well maybe it does give you cancer but so does tobaco
this debate is going of track SO.

Here is another 1 do you like Smoking Ganja?

O and how old are you lot cos some of these answers are a bit interlectural:eek: :eek:


wanted like a bed sore
May 28, 2002
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With regards to cancer; current research shows tha radiation levels in the tar in tobacco cause tabacco to be more carcinogenic than cannabis, even though cannabis contains more tar.:eek:
Also, it doesnt give not give you cancer, it just triggers it. As do most things, if current research is to be trusted!


***ud father
Apr 12, 2002
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Like I said, I'm not going to debate which is worse because both are for retards. Also, I said leads to cancer, not gives you cancer. If you like it, do it. Tard.;)


Ex Baller :-(
Aug 22, 2001
Originally posted by CROOKED-POPO
Like I said, I'm not going to debate which is worse because both are for retards. Also, I said leads to cancer, not gives you cancer. If you like it, do it. Tard.;)
why is it you have to resort to calling people names if i smoke cannabis it does not make me a retard so i think your comments are the comments of a retard i bet some of your mates smoke it and you are just to scared to try it in case you get addicted it is not an addictive drug and anyone who says it is is a liar i smoked it for nearly 16 years every night but when my son was born i stopped as i dont want my son to see me stoned all the time i did however try some in amsterdam and it was good but i dont have any cravings for it as a drug addict would for say heroin or cocaine