The point....
Of human life is to evolve. It is what has been happening for countless years and will [hopefully] continue for even more countless years.
Evolution is not always a positive process. Yes, we have seen the incidences of cancer increase rapidly in the last few decades, but to counter this, we are, as a whole living longer than before. Stop the press: Cancer is _usually_ a disease found in older people. It was not _usually_ seen in the younger people that lived in the, say, late 1800s because they dired of other things before the cancer _would- normally make it's presence known.
Anyway, back to evolution. I am of the opinion that any change is good. It doesn't matter whether the effect is good or bad, it is a life changing experience and adds to the whole.
I fully condone CROOKED-POPO's reasons for not doing drugs. That is the sort of attitude I wish was more prevelant today. Far too many people are content to turn up to work hungover, stoned, whatever and put themselves and, worse, other people at risk. If more people took this attitude to both drugs and alcohol, then the world would be a much better place.
All we need to now is get rid of this and religion and then the world can start working it's way to the stars.... hopefully in the search for some really rocking weed! *grin*
On a slightly less esoteric note, cannabis has actually been see to improve concentration and reaction times in small doses. It is quite possible that someone that is stoned could be very lucid. Ok, it's unlikely, but possible. On the other hand, he could just be incapable of spelling. (I hope I spelt that right, otherwise I'm going to be tarred with the same brush).
One final note: From May's Issue of Australia's "Good Health" Magazine: If you breath, you breath in billions of oxygen molecules that can cause cancer, arthritis, degenerative disease and premature ageing". And you were worried about cannabis causing cancer.....