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The good old canabis debate


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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What a load of tosh as i said before its all down to the person
For instance this guy your talking about went *ucked because of his wife and the i want this that and the other. So for you to say its cos of the weed **RUBBISH**

O and what about all the Judges and lawers that smoke it behind closed doors????



Old School, New Tricks

Originally posted by }{y8ri|)
What a load of tosh as i said before its all down to the person
... So for you to say its cos of the weed **RUBBISH**
Well, since I can't convince you otherwise, go ahead and believe what you want to believe. It's not all "down to the person" when you're chemically changing someone's behavior.

If you want to throw your life away, fine. I just hope that you don't do to another person what I've seen happen to other people who don't smoke it. Live in ignorance if you want to. I don't have that luxury. This is the real world. The real world says that pot smoking is not just YOU problem when it affects others around you.

edit add I'm sorry to ruin an otherwise pro-pot thread with the reality of life. But what you don't get is that in the real world, you're not just smoking some weed. I hope that you never have to watch what I have, and be totally helpless to stop the train wreck.

Live your fantasy while you can.



wanted like a bed sore
May 28, 2002
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Tyger, I'm not meaning to put what you've been through down but what about the thousands of alcoholics that have ruined there life. True cannabis can mess you up if you're predisposed to being messed up by cannabis, just as nuts can mess you up if your predisposed to being messed up by nuts (yes, i do know someone).
Anyway, I'm not looking for everyone to sings its praises, just accept that it is alot less harmful than some legal drugs (ie alcohol, nicotine, caffeine), if you don't believe me check out the facts, dont just assume because of what you've heard that cannabis is evil.
Also, are you sure the weed wasnt dipped in something else because every cannabis smoker I know or have met don't suffer any problems apart from the munchies and red eyes, and I've checked in medical journals and true, in the 50s there was talk of cannabis maddness but that has been disproved time and time again in independant research. If you post a list of what he did I'm willing to bet we'll be able to tell if it is the affect of THC or some other drug.
Also, cannabis doesnt alter brain chemistry, unlike some other legal things, it adds to, and is then broken down, leaving the original chemistry intact (unlike some other legal things). Several researchers have studied this in depth and shown there to be no long lasting affects of the chemicals as they are fully metabolised and don't remain in the psychoactive state, the by-products have also been shown to be inert in the body (hence why they are called by-products). They are stored in fat cells for a month but are then excreated fully in the usual mannor (see: taking a p*ss).

Oh yeah, and for the real world;
Lets see, i know the facts, i dont listen to propoganda released by the government. This only applies to intoxicating substances, but to be blunt, I wouldnt do anything to myself without fully understanding what it does. I probably don't have a clues about most things but when it comes to something that applies to me, i like to be informed.
Also, if we're talking the real world, how about a mate of mine that was an alcoholic at 14, he would do anything to anyone to get alcohol, ending up nearly dead in hospital a few times with alcohol poisoning. Now all he does is smoke a bit of cannabis.
We even tried to OD on cannabis, just so we werent miss informed but its damn near impossible to do, at worst you'll be sick or fall asleep. This may sound stupid but we were well informed i knew it wouldnt do any damage ;)

Also, non-informed people; please join the real world, realise the government aren't always right, think for yourself, research, and form your own oppinion. Dont just listen to tygers tale of woe, or to mine for that matter. Check it out yourself, if you decide its bad, ban all alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine and be consistent, if not, you dont have to smoke it, but dont believe all you hear.


PainTBall DOes ThiS To Me
Jan 31, 2002
uk near a Tower
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Now this guy knows his **** :)
N1 m8 your facts are spoton ;)
O by the way m8 i also tried to OD on weed with a m8 lol funny as ****
we had a 1once bong mix and all that happend was it got late we smoked till we fell asleep :cool:



Old School, New Tricks
It all sounds good until...

...you hit rock bottom.

No, it wasn't "Laced pot", it was the regular stuff. This isn't modern history.

But, hell, what do I know? I'm just a straightedge guy who's watched too many people throw their lives away to "recreational" drug and alcohol use. The football jock that died in high school in a drug-related car crash, the "cute girl" who became a parapalegic that same year, the high school teacher who lost his job when he was caught stealing from student's homes to fund his pot habit, my best friend that was about 3 pints from death, another friend who was about 2 CM from death until we managed to talk him down from his depression while "high", the girlfriend of my roomate who collapsed at our back door after smoking a joint, the captain of our college UF team who was caught smoking, was expelled, and lost everything he had spent 4 years working for... Yeah, recreational drugs are harmless. Sure.

But what do I know? I don't smoke the stuff, how could I understand?



Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
It all sounds good until...

Originally posted by Tyger
...you hit rock bottom.

No, it wasn't "Laced pot", it was the regular stuff. This isn't modern history.

But, hell, what do I know? I'm just a straightedge guy who's watched too many people throw their lives away to "recreational" drug and alcohol use. The football jock that died in high school in a drug-related car crash, the "cute girl" who became a parapalegic that same year, the high school teacher who lost his job when he was caught stealing from student's homes to fund his pot habit, my best friend that was about 3 pints from death, another friend who was about 2 CM from death until we managed to talk him down from his depression while "high", the girlfriend of my roomate who collapsed at our back door after smoking a joint, the captain of our college UF team who was caught smoking, was expelled, and lost everything he had spent 4 years working for... Yeah, recreational drugs are harmless. Sure.

But what do I know? I don't smoke the stuff, how could I understand?

Hey Tyger, I don't for one second doubt that the stuff you mention has happened. But what I tried to say, and a number of other people as well, is that marijuana is as bad as alcohol. So you can't outlaw one, and say the other is okay. It seems from your post that you agree alcohol is a potential homewrecker too.
However, one thing I'd like to point out is that most of the stuff as it is sold is indeed laced with all sorts of crap (99.99% of it is), to make the profit for the dealers even bigger. Here in Holland the stuf is as good as uncut (because we legalised it). It is the chemical mix that causes people to pass out mostly, but if you have smoked large quantities of uncut stuff, you can end up flat on your face too (seen it happen aplenty).
As far as the stealing and ruining of careers is concerned, that happens because of the taboo society has put on it. Over here nobody has to steal to get the stuff, and nobody gets fired for it (unless ofcourse you get caught smoking at the job, in the same way that drinking at the job is a nono...).
I hope you understand that I more or less agree with what you say, I just wanted to refine the points a bit more.
And I don't smoke any of the stuff. But I do drink...

So you're a straight edger? Respect to you. Couldn't live that way myself.
How far do you go in your straight edge beliefs? Do you eat meat?


wanted like a bed sore
May 28, 2002
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this is getting no-where, i trust all you paintballers to have enough sense to make up your own mind. Just remember, don't just listen to people, not tyger, not me, go out and find out for yourself from impartial sources, remembering, compare it to other legal alternatives. I could go through and explain why the things tyger explained happen but its not important (legality, stupidity, and circulatory shock ;)), please people, post your findings so that we get as impartial a view as possible.
Tyger, i dont mean to disrespect you but I truly believe in what I've said, please don't take it personally i would do the same to anyone. In fact I'm greatful you are a non-smoker and are willing to be involved in this thread, stating sensible arguements and not just saying its bad because that is what we've been told to believe.


Old School, New Tricks
Re: It all sounds good until...

Originally posted by Buddha 3
So you're a straight edger? Respect to you. Couldn't live that way myself.
How far do you go in your straight edge beliefs? Do you eat meat?
Old school straight edge. No nic-stix, no drugs, no alcohol. I'm still trying to figure out where the vegans got in on it.

Now depending on who you listen to, I'm NOT straight edge becasue I drink Dew (Caffene), take tylenol (a "drug" to some), and occasially imbibe as a religous thing (a sip of wine every year or so that makes me feel nausious. ooooo....)

Straightedge started as, and always will be, in the mind and heart of the one who lives the life. For me, it's no smoking, no drinking, no drugs. I'm screwed in the head as it is, I don't need the help.

And yes I love punk and ska music. Why?



Lord of the Ringtones
Next debate forthcoming: Other items with which people act stupidly BESIDES a bottle and a joint:

1. Kitchen knives 2. Forks 3. Little kids' toy cars 4. treble hook fishing lures 5. hay balers 6. golf clubs (All the morons out there that get struck by lightning, balls, beer bottles, falling tree limbs, and run over by golf carts. Yes, thousands every year.) 7. plastic bags and other things labeled as possible for little kids to choke on (Please, if you see someone stupid enough to be choking or suffocating on a plastic bag as the warning indicates PLEASE BE CONSIDERATE OF HUMANITY AND LET NATURE REMOVE THE STUPID FROM OUR RANKS!) 8. bowling balls 9. house painting tools 10. lobsters (Really sick story, don't ask.) 11. nail guns 12. fake fingernails 13. meat grinders

Now, these inanimate objects and devices of obvious potential non-harmful use have some stories of misuse causing injury, occasional death, humiliation, and destruction of property. Are they illegal because of it? No. For some reason in these particular instances people drop the stupidly simplicity with which they view some other things (alcohol, marijuana, fast driving, etc.) long enough to realize the inherent usefulness of said articles and accept the idea that some people will do stupid things with them BECAUSE THEY ARE STUPID and leave them to do so without setting back the rest of the population. Why is this so hard to grasp? Must simple logic be completely dissolved by all the propaganda, horror stories, witch hunts, blame games, coverups, and other misguided attempts at replacing common sense and accountability?

Do your part to stop the moronity. Take a stand against blaming anything other than people for their own problems, and resist them making their problems yours.