Everyone amazes me!
Originally posted by repairman
What the heck do we have to do...........?
You can thank me later.
First, start an ALL-NEW team. This will get you all the votes like Arsenal got.
Obviously you are going to have to lose the Dynasty name, so just pick something else random, like Shockwave. But you have to put "UK" after it, so that way everyone knows who you rep. Now that I think of it, I'm not feeling Shockwave, so let's overuse the word "Agg"...everyone else does. A "Legion" or two probably wouldn't hurt either. And we have to take a hint from the NXL, ala Miami Effect. Moscow is the biggest city in Europa, but apparently they already have a team or something, so let's take the second-largest—London. I know no teams would want to use that name. Slap it all together, and you are the brand spakin' new
London Agg Legion UK.
You need a new persona to match this change, so the roster is going to need a bit of work.
Oliverway Anglay, Yanray
Odneyray Iressquay, Innyskay Evinkay etc. ...if you catch my drift.
Phonetically-speaking, you will all talk like Brad Pitt in Snatch. Angel will have to lose the Gucci for a Union Jack. Stuff like that.
Next, learn from past mistakes. You may not be able to play 10-man anymore, but get ahead of the Dogs by putting teams in tournaments for obscure formats like Ultimate Airball's Arenaball, WGP's Penalty Box ball, Stock-Class tournaments...maybe even play X-Box tournaments of GH's Tournyball against kids from South Korea.
Now what? You guessed it...drop down to Amatuer! Everyone likes up-and-coming teams,
especially the Euros, and you can be the most up-and-coming'est UK team ever. Oh', and you have to go undefeated the entire year too.
Lastly, scribble "of Europe" everytime you see the word "Smart Parts" in your contract.
It's fool-proof.