Well here goes.......
Now is everybody sitting comfortably? Then i'll begin:
The Campaign Cup 2001 was an experience Bugout will never forget. What can i say other than the scale of things got to us and our usual style of play (no talking, no moving and definately no smiling!!!) was suffering. So, the idea of drowning our sorrows with the northern monkeys otherwise known as the Stupid Troopers (gotta love those guys!) seemed a pretty good one. For most of us the following exploits consisted of nothing more than letching over the recently arrived 18 year old from 6E Chicks (whoever you are i apologise unreservedly!) and using a huige great plastic bag full of air as a trampoline. Three feet high and a heavy landing never hurts when drunk.
When i arrived at about 11pm everyone was pretty ****ered but, still reasonably with it. Everyone bar the boy Calvine. This kid was proper F*@*ed. And so the night continued....
After more drinking, bouncing and letchin as well as trying to hurdle the entrance barrier to the campsite, we all retired to our tents. Calvin through the night seemed to become more aggitated and hyper running round giggling his ass off and showing just how far he can slide on his stomach straight into a rather spikey bush! On the way back to the tent he kept running off into the distance, only to be foundl, when we caught up with him lying on his baclk in tear of laughter! Just as we approached the tents my bro started a farting contest with a real earth shatterer! Not to be outdone Calvin let one fly! Not bad! Chris responded, and Calvin did the same. However, the fart didn't stop there and Calvin drew mud! A look of horror gripped his face as his hands gripped his arse! He ran/waddled to the toilets where noises of 'relief' were heard. Unfortunately having cleaned himself up and gone to sleep his bladder decided that it was plenty full and had to be emptied, shame Calvin wasn't conscious at the time or the tent wouldn't have resembled one of the Great Lakes, Man that boy can piss!!!
Moral of the story an allergy to alcohol and nicotine are not cured by White Lightning Cider and Lucky Strike!!
Thanks to Stupid Troopers who were great hosts (love the Caravan) and Calvin who provided the entertainment!!