Originally posted by Edd Hobday
You both seem to have missed the monthly part of my statment
From Campaign 04 all that was heard from teams that weren't playing X-ball was that they felt shut out/put to one side. Not saying it'll happen at these events but i'll be intesresting to see how it's gona work.
In responce to what the PA has to offer other than promotion etc. One of the big draws for me is the quick turn arounds.They've cut out the waiting round between games, which at other series have been upto 1 and 1/2 hours for me before. It's a small thing but makes the day much more enjoyable IMO.
Ok hear we go look certain organisors have been running things for years and they have made mistakes and learnt by them. And are still learning.
We are not perfect but then maybe some organisors think they are.
We basically want to play a game and enjoy it but to compete at a high level brings commitment and money, loads and loads of it.
We would love the level of sponsorship of higher teams but it costs in love, sweat, and tears, and bank loans.
Many teams run on hype and illusion dont they, some play and play and play, this is what makes them better. Hense companies giving them sponsorship.
Get the picture, we strive to be better and win but we arnt getting anywhere with the bull being dished out through tournaments and using your good natures to promote thier games not your thoughts or wishes.
We are the players , we pay the money, we want the best hense we strive for the ultimate game, or winning.
I have been lucky enough to play with some top teams and have seen a lot of things some players dont see.
But I will say this the likes of Robbo, Pete and crew from Tigers who show the utter most respect and Kellys who I basically grew up with from woods to sup air, I respect all of you and your views because they will talk to you straight and wont give you bull****.
Things arnt free, everything gets paid for in some sort of way, but with your mind set on playing and being a better player, you will get noticed.
So many players out there have not been spotted yet!
An idea was thought of and it was great then the bubble burst, the dream ended for me and I saw the light.
Shame yes, upset no, I hate threats and lies.
Well The score is now we have to work for our time being the best and for some of you the reality is striking home very hard, tough get out there and play. NOTHING IS FREE
I know this is petty but oh well,
I even wrote a make shift piece in a magazine, they could not even have the decent manners to send me a free copies of what I wrote, where have all the manners gone in the world , especially when it was done for free directed at new players coming in from recball.I have only ever been interested in taking paintball forward.
Yes I may have attitude, but without it I would not be a competitive player.
I have never been let down in all the years by any MM or Midlands organisors and respect the UKPSF as in ideas and rules.
I always feel I can phone them and talk to them about anything and are well received no matter how much crap I talk to them. Enough Said!
Good luck to any other tournaments starting up and hope they learn by all of this, its all about getting it right and keeping customers happy.
The idea is a simple thing, and its been coming but just needed a kick, to be the best now is going to take more than just talk!
Prove your team and play hard ball, and improve UK Paintball