I agree that the tourny turned out to be great fun, but no matter how much we convince ourselves that 3000psi (more like 2400) was fine, there were times when i wish i had more. We were first game up and i ran out of air after 3 pods! I think almost everyone did in that game and we all just ended up sitting behind our bunkers untill they called time.
I think we have dug our own hole regarding air because we have become so used to having systems like H-Pac that we end up assuming that they will be there (and why not?). I think it is the duty of the organisers to ensure that standards are upheld in Safety and Supply, because at the end of the day, the more these tournaments are standardised, the less people have to complain and make excuses about (players and organisers). There will be no more "i was shot in the back from the other field marshall" or "we are late because we were waiting in line for air marshall" or even "games will now be 7 minutes instead of 8 so that we can catch up" (my favourite as it cost us a flag hang)
But at the end of the day, it was not the end of the world and the tourny turned out to be great. I am in no way slagging the organisers off, as i think they did us a great service by taking on all the risk so that we can play paintball in winter (we must be mad). Thanks to all involved especialy the players, because i think it was the resolve of the players and the way they handled themselves on and off the fields that allowed everyone to enjoy themselves. Its been a while since we had a tournament that didn't flood the forums with controversy the next day (i hope i haven't spoken too soon

And to our player who spent the whole day on one leg, I've been looking into the rules about having a runner like they use in cricket if the batsman is injured. Its a no go i'm afraid, so i guess we just have to win the games sooner and give you more time to run the flag back
To all the guys on Wolf, You Rock!