With a 1.1 bottle on a Matrix I still coped with a 3000psi
fill- shot 4-5 pots and a loader in one game and came
off with about 500psi left!
I don't think anyone had a major prob with low fills- these things happen! Ok so it wasn't perfect but we were getting over 4000psi by the end of the day.
Twizz addressed the air issue at the end of the day, and said they would look at gettin in HPAC which may cost an extra £5 per player- so its sorted!
The netting was not perfect, but I didn't hear of any probs with stray shots hitting spectators, there were no thefts that I have heard of and again we took paintball into the public eye....
Generally this was a bloody good day, with no major problems. Lessons have been learn't by all involved, so stop worrying and make sure you're ready for the next one!!!!!!!!!!!!!