I agree with wadidiz, I personally think we are going to have problems with marshalling until some sort of standards are set maybe a qualification are available. At this point I am talking about the "bigger" tournies and not the grass roots stuff but maybe there can be some progression later?
I wonder how it would affect the millenium series if a group of marshalls where available to attend each tourney in the series, people that were sufficently trained, thier costs covered, answerable to the millenium comitee and paintball in general.
If this was the case the standard rules could be applied to each tourney, the marshalls should be experts.. At campaign I think I was told 4 or 5 different places to stand, the way my gun had to be pointing etc before the break out. I was told I couldnt be called neutral on one field and called neutral on another. (no disrespect to the marshals at campaign they were all fantastic it was just minor rule differences in general)
Surely a proffesional marshaling body would also help the image of the sport?
Now when I talked about progression earlier, maybe there is some way for the marshalling body (if it was ever set up) to supply to tournies like the 2k2 Series or the MM series and use these as training grounds for a movement up to the "Bigger" Millenium type events. Is this how footy reffing works? ie you do sunday league then move up to maybe Premier later on?
Probably taking this way off topic just my verbal diorhea (sp?)
I wonder how it would affect the millenium series if a group of marshalls where available to attend each tourney in the series, people that were sufficently trained, thier costs covered, answerable to the millenium comitee and paintball in general.
If this was the case the standard rules could be applied to each tourney, the marshalls should be experts.. At campaign I think I was told 4 or 5 different places to stand, the way my gun had to be pointing etc before the break out. I was told I couldnt be called neutral on one field and called neutral on another. (no disrespect to the marshals at campaign they were all fantastic it was just minor rule differences in general)
Surely a proffesional marshaling body would also help the image of the sport?
Now when I talked about progression earlier, maybe there is some way for the marshalling body (if it was ever set up) to supply to tournies like the 2k2 Series or the MM series and use these as training grounds for a movement up to the "Bigger" Millenium type events. Is this how footy reffing works? ie you do sunday league then move up to maybe Premier later on?
Probably taking this way off topic just my verbal diorhea (sp?)