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Paintball, if it was a recognised sport.


Jan 2, 2002
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Originally posted by Glen Carrot
I think what Richie was trying to say was the Smart as a Carrot name has been in paintball for a long time producing such players as Stig and Dunny and a one time were kinda high up in the A division and also did quite well in the world championships in Talouse until half our team got injured in a car crash ....
And what has any of that got to do with the point TJ was making? :confused:

And once again where did the 'war' bit come into it? as that would have the same thing applied to it i.e. not very 'sport orientated'.

Like how you all missed the point entirely!
Noone is dissing the team TJ merely stated that that TYPE of name is not very sport orientated......
Less defence guys, I've met a fair few of you and yes you're all sound but thats not what was being called into question.

[edit] Please don't take this outta context guy's it's not an attack on you[/edit]


Nov 27, 2003
Newcastle upon Tyne
now that we have established that we have managed to get very defensive with a few of the mods BACK to the thead ! as first discussed i think its a good idea (what were we disscussing again ?) lol :rolleyes: :confused:
oh yes that was it p8ntball rite then.......


big daddy
Aug 31, 2004
manchester masive
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i dont think the names have a lot to do with it, before i started playing ball i never knew about any of this comp side of the game i didnt even know you could buy your own gats what the sport needs is some high profile events that let people see what it is all about.

for example having a games in the center of a town with loads of advertasment and medea cover that sort of thing will help the sport and make people realise what it is realy like.

something that would help people who play now would be some where to find out about all the events allover the uk and this could help to get sites to use one set of ruels then maby even sort one huge comp for the best teams from all over the uk.

if someone makes the first step i think most people will folow is just making that step.

i dont know if any one thinks the same as me but this is my opinion


Platinum Member
Oct 27, 2002
Newcastle, UK
Okay then... question on rules?

If we are trying through these tournaments to produce players/teams capable of competing with the rest of Europe/The world then why have most events in the UK adopted a rulebook (PA) which is not that of the NPPl/Mill events?

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by Tom Allen
I've not played there myself, only teched, so i'll try to answer as best i can.

A) Besides the town names, which has given the PA League a geographical format akin to football.
B) A more professionally organised event, seperating the top 2 divisions from the lower 2 divisions and playing them morning/afternoon, which was well liked.
C) Dedicated single site event, no more travelling around to each teams home site, not knowing what you'll get when you get there.
D) Exceptional marshalling, and rules to eliminate the transferring of players to and from teams on the day.
E) Sky Tv coverage, albeit only the 1 day, but well done.

I've probably missed the most important points, but a much liked and respected event that i'm sure will be well supported next year.
A) Doesn't make for a good league per se, but okay.
B) Define more professional... That's the sort of stuff I'd like to know. (not bashing your reply, just enquiring. other people are welcome to respond...)
C) Errr......isn't that the normal way to do things anyway?
D) Good call on the transfer thing.
E) Nice, but doesn't make a league good or bad.

Someone also mentioned independent reffing. How is this achieved.

Genuinely curious.

Tom Allen

Jul 4, 2003
B. more professional, hard to explain as i've not played it. But it's the feedback i've had from players when i've been teching there.

C. I'ts not the norm over here, PA and Dartford7's, are the only two i think (correct me if i'm wrong guys).

E. Doesn't make the league better, but definitely attracts the "faces", and if this improves the play then, maybe a better league.

Buddha 3

Hamfist McPunchalot
Originally posted by garycarrot
Would one event a month across the U.K. make us better players?
Regular competition, if combined with true, dedicated training sessions, will certainly help improving a team. In fact, look at any other sport and you will see that one event a month is actually somewhat on the low side.
As pointed out in so many other threads, training is the key to improving your game. However, training for the sake of training has no point. There have to be regular measuring points, where the individual skills and teamwork will be put to the test, outside of the familiar environment of the training grounds. In other words, tournaments are where you see whether or not you have been training the correct things, or whether you need to shift your focus.
When it comes to that, one tournament a month is actually to litlle. Ideally a team would get together weekly AT THE VERY LEAST (training does NOT have to cost a lot), and compete twice a month. Anything less then that, and you are only fooling yourself (although I do grant that it may be financially impossible to train and compete that often for many teams out there...).