On Sunday morning the wind was just as bad but add to it torential rain. I spoke to Sparkie who had been there most of the night hoping for a break in the weather. He said that the health and safety of the players was at risk and that it would be impossible to get the netting up.
I really felt for the players who had travelled 3 hours plus to get there - the Bridgend boys had driven for over 4 hrs on Saturday and camped overnight - so not to play must have been gutting - but to be fair I did'nt hear anyone who was'nt totally reasonable about the situation.
The last I heard was the plan to hold two legs in one weekend next month - although with Campaign and other events in Spetember - the cost will have to be looked at.
I was up there on the Saturday to look at the fields and the wind was stupidly strong - no netting up and the one field that had been blown up was having it's bunkers ripped up by the wind. Even deflated bunkers were all over the place.From what I recall it was to do with the fact that the netting could be blown down due to the high winds. And it was the site operator that requested the cancelation of the event rather than the pa bods
On Sunday morning the wind was just as bad but add to it torential rain. I spoke to Sparkie who had been there most of the night hoping for a break in the weather. He said that the health and safety of the players was at risk and that it would be impossible to get the netting up.
I really felt for the players who had travelled 3 hours plus to get there - the Bridgend boys had driven for over 4 hrs on Saturday and camped overnight - so not to play must have been gutting - but to be fair I did'nt hear anyone who was'nt totally reasonable about the situation.
The last I heard was the plan to hold two legs in one weekend next month - although with Campaign and other events in Spetember - the cost will have to be looked at.