Originally posted by Red_Merkin
However i'm going to offer a possible solution. Friday and Saturday, games run as normal, Sunday is finals day as normal, but at some point open up the un used fields for players who didn't make the sunday club to play. You could do this sunday afternoon, (although most people will want to watch the finals), Sunday evening, and of course Monday.
Scutty set this up in Malaga, and it was great. No refs needed (maybe somebody to keep an eye on things though) just strait up paintball... against whoever shows up. If some team gets knocked out on Saturday, but plays 10 + games of fun paintball on Sunday, they may feel like the trip wasn't totally wasted.
I know that Street Paintball (putting the Pain back into Paintball!) was really fun, and made Malaga that little bit more satasfying. It dosn't cost the Promoters anything to leave 1 extra field up for an extra day, nothing compared to the satasfaction of the customers...
Players come to the big events to play better teams, to have a good time, party, drink some beer, and play paintball. I think opening up a Fun field would really boost the astmosphere and give the unlucky teams who didn't make the cut something to look forward to.
My 2 cents of course.