And so, the lid closes on the last vestiges of any doubt.
Not one person has surfaced in confirmation of abbott's denial of events.
In fact, we finally have one of the guys who was involved in proceedings stating what happened and confirming what a low life scum abbott actually is.
His inability to apologise was always based upon his pathological denial of what actually happened and his hatred of myself ... but what are we really left with here???
We have a sad, pathetic individual who repaid the kindness I had shown him by trying to steal one of the very few things I thought a lot of, my Nexus.
And this is one of the reasons I have persevered with this character assassination and that is exactly what it is ... but it was he who assassinated his own character by wilfuly electing to steal, I just made public how low this scum had descended.
His position in the industry has now been laid bare for all to see, how can anybody trust such an individual ever again?????
I wanna thank Tony for his post because it could not have been easy to write and to recount, Tony had the balls to apologise for what he did years ago and I accepted his apology with no problem because he was genuine.
Tony was, and is a man...... abbott is a very poor excuse for one.
Not one person has surfaced in confirmation of abbott's denial of events.
In fact, we finally have one of the guys who was involved in proceedings stating what happened and confirming what a low life scum abbott actually is.
His inability to apologise was always based upon his pathological denial of what actually happened and his hatred of myself ... but what are we really left with here???
We have a sad, pathetic individual who repaid the kindness I had shown him by trying to steal one of the very few things I thought a lot of, my Nexus.
And this is one of the reasons I have persevered with this character assassination and that is exactly what it is ... but it was he who assassinated his own character by wilfuly electing to steal, I just made public how low this scum had descended.
His position in the industry has now been laid bare for all to see, how can anybody trust such an individual ever again?????
I wanna thank Tony for his post because it could not have been easy to write and to recount, Tony had the balls to apologise for what he did years ago and I accepted his apology with no problem because he was genuine.
Tony was, and is a man...... abbott is a very poor excuse for one.