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Oh My !!!!


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
hmmmm, well perhaps the thievery will now stop as Jeff's decided to write and sell his story:

It's in the "fiction" section of all good bookshops.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I've been thinking about this lately and it would seem even though people [whether they wanted to know or not] do realise now, and a pretty low one at that because thieving off of friends requires an altogether different animal from one who steals from anybody, I think the greater crime was in not apologising for an insult that included my children ...

It seems to me that you must be of a pretty sick individual to use kids in an insult but I cannot get my head around the fact he cannot find it within himself to apologise for it.
Everybody else who was involved in that attempted theft has owned up and apologised, and all of them have identified abbott as one of the prime movers .... and yet, he refuses to apologise.

Mind you, none of that group ever stooped as low as abbott did in resorting to the use of children to insult me but even so, they still found it within themselves to apologise for their involvement.

People like abbott will eventually pay the price for such actions; I'm afraid the world in which we live in rarely tolerates such aberrant behaviour and when something finally does befall this sordid individual, I am sure the expression on his face will feign surprise.
Inside tho, he will know he's had it coming for an awful long time and all he will be left with is .... the unyielding need to reciprocate but that's not really an avenue he's equipped to explore.
He'd have to sack up to venture down that road and I'm afraid any notion that abbott approximates a man is flawed from the very start ... real men don't use kids in insults, they use intellect, wit, truth and on justified occasions, force ... abbott's use of children has flagged up to everyone he's not in possession of any of those qualities just mentioned.