Below is an email abbott sent to Dee and her Husband at Freakz to try and get them to delete her post they made recently.
I will italicize abbott's drivel and comment underneath.
I would advise you to keep out of this situation as the legal process has started and you may find yourself involved in something you know nothing about.
It would be prudent for you to "adjust " the above post and be very very careful about which side of the fence you sit.
As you said... you don't know Robbo. You may think you know me but I wasn't even the cause of the trouble between Nexus and Freekz. It was a logo on Clints Jersey.
Therefore I can only assume that this is a personal attack and I will treat it as that which will mean the same course of action that I have taken with Robbos posts.
Firstly, he would advise !!!!!
Oh my, he couldn't advise cr@p to go round the bend.... And I love the bit about legal process having started

Ha ha, I am gonna love this coming to court and just so's there's no confusion here, as my witnesses I am calling up Tommy Pemberton, Lee Digard, Dunny, Tony Perez, Steve Baldwin (Millennium) and Laurent Hamet (Millennium) all of whom were present or party to abbott's attempted theft.
There is not one person in ths universe who could stand up in court who can back him up ...not one...he has nobody who would lie for him in a court of law.
I somehow think abbott could be lying to the people at Freakz here in telling them he has initiated any litigation, and if he isn't lying, then he's more of a mug than I originally thought (which I have to say is almost impossible)because I have enough insurance to make damned sure that every word I accuse him of, is 100% true.
And he knows this !!!!!!!!
And I love the bit about being
'very very careful' ...I laughed sooo much at that, here is a man who couldn't knock the skin off a rice pudding and he's making out as though he's the fackin Godfather .......or some legal baron ..... bejeepers, this guy is pathetic.
I have zero idea what problems he refers to re nexus and freakz and I don't give a cr@p about all that and I also have zero idea why he would wish to introduce them in an email obviously designed to intimidate these people.
Seems to me as though he's blurring some lines here and it might do him well to try and distance the consequences of his thieving from his profession.
Still, he's desperate and desperate 'men' do desperate things ...I do hope he comes for me one night and tries to bash me up, I promise I won't grass you up to the police abbott if you do elect to go down that road but just one thing....if you do lose the plot and come for me physically ...as I am laying there in my own pool of blood after you have bashed me, you won't mind if I just check my wallet is still about my person before you leave??? ..... just a thought !!!