Well here we go again time to defend myself,
For starters you stated that i said it was water and i didnt i said reidue. Your right i have not had it tested therfore called it residue, i have no idea what it is. Secondly you have been told we are not a site team and in no way need to defend Syd or the NSPL, which we havent, but you chose to ignor that and believe what you like. (i hope your not a copper) Fair play free country and if thats your attitude thats your call. Thirdly yes a mistake has been made and some people are waiting for answers and rightly so i and indeed Team Kinetic both agree with that. All i will say is you have Syds number just call him if your worried about getting answers and the truth. But please believe people when they tell you something. Last but not least im not trying to get anyone to change their mind so not sure where that came from either. Im not sure why this is getting so heated but i felt the need to defend myself yet again.
Oh and yes i have seen a bottle go up and not a pretty sight. I work with HPA almost every day and I am in no way playing down the importance of bottle safety and never would its a massive issue. Again false accusations on your behalf Nige.
To all other ballers out there and especially new guys to the sport please dont be put off ts not always like this lol
See ya in the 50 fellas.
For starters you stated that i said it was water and i didnt i said reidue. Your right i have not had it tested therfore called it residue, i have no idea what it is. Secondly you have been told we are not a site team and in no way need to defend Syd or the NSPL, which we havent, but you chose to ignor that and believe what you like. (i hope your not a copper) Fair play free country and if thats your attitude thats your call. Thirdly yes a mistake has been made and some people are waiting for answers and rightly so i and indeed Team Kinetic both agree with that. All i will say is you have Syds number just call him if your worried about getting answers and the truth. But please believe people when they tell you something. Last but not least im not trying to get anyone to change their mind so not sure where that came from either. Im not sure why this is getting so heated but i felt the need to defend myself yet again.
Oh and yes i have seen a bottle go up and not a pretty sight. I work with HPA almost every day and I am in no way playing down the importance of bottle safety and never would its a massive issue. Again false accusations on your behalf Nige.
To all other ballers out there and especially new guys to the sport please dont be put off ts not always like this lol
See ya in the 50 fellas.