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Name and Shame


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I swear on my kids I have never got anybody to come on here and back me up against you tyger, I don't need anybody.
I would think that everybody who comes on this site knows that is not my style, I don't need nor would I seek anybody's help with a person like you tyger.
If anybody comes on here and attacks you, it is because they feel the same as myself.

Hardly surprising they do when faced with such a loser who can't stop railing against the world of tourney ball and pro players because he is such a consummate failure in paintball and life.

Now go away tyger, break out the cammo gear, put some face paint on, hide behind yer sofa and throw a plastic grenade at yer other half.

You were told by Duff, to stay in your own area of expertise, don't attack tourney ballers and pros and u will be left alone; if you can't do as you were told, then you will not be allowed to post.


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by Tyger
Oh, and for DikySixx : The reply you've read is why nobody will "Name and Shame". No attacking the issues, but attacking the accuser. And nothing ever gets done.

Thanks. What do you reckon Robbo?


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
Name Shame? Non Nicht Nadda No way

Whilst I believe that Disciplinary Committee Minutes should be open to public view, ever heard of innocent until proven guilty. Coming onto a public forum and saying so and so from team Blah Blah played on wiped etc, often sounds more like sour grapes and a weakness in your own game than anything else. Penalties exist for Wiping and blatant playing on. If a team or player wants to push this / run that risk then that's their look out. Deal with it move on. Since all you hear on a Sup Air field these days is "on his opper, foot, pack, small finger, car in the carpark yadda yadda yadaa" simply cos you put a ball in another players general direction, don't mean you betokened them. In my experience 87.9658 % of ballers actually believe themselves to be better players than they really are anyway, so I'll take "on is 'oppa" with a pinch of salt (and then the subsequent public bleating).

To be honest, and I'm going to be frank as f*ck, the holier than thou, couldn't wouldn't shouldn't cheat no game ballers from Team OFaDS (Our Faeces Don't Stink), are starting to sound like stuck records. Half the time the accusations of cheating are marginal at best, getting a hit in the back of a pack and then playing on, is not cheating. Better marshalling required possibly to pull the player yes, but with double stacked pots a baller wouldn't feel it anyway. If people are going to throw stones they better not be standing in glass houses when doing it is all I'm saying.

I'm not saying that everybody cheats or plays on, cos I know there are a small number of players and teams that have exceptionally clean and fair reputations (of which I believe Troggs to be through experience of playing em, and I'm sure Dicky wasn't implying), but you know what the funny thing is, they never ever come on a public forum and accuse others of cheating. They shrug their shoulders get on with it, and shoot the opposition in the goggs instead ("ha ha wipe that fookaa!!").

Name and shame can mean pandering to the sour grape having no ho getting haters. I can guess the response this post is going to get "Stongl thinks it's acceptable to cheat!, hence he must", not at all, think that if you want, call for more marshals on me, cos I'll take the Pepsi Challenge against any team except Sharks with our fairness record, and that especially includes post game handling of any "incidents". It makes me laugh when we've been accused of having hot guns, playing on wiping etc, just because some new teams Game Bag runs deeper than other more established teams we must be dodgy fooka's oh yes.

Sorry if I'm ranting Dicky, this is not directed at either you or Sad personally, it's just the post game accusations and criticism of the marshals is my personal pet hate and something from which unfounded accusations are made. I support the fair play initiatives that are in place, and the way some higher profile teams are leading by example, but unless your gonna walk the walk don't talk the talk.

Oh and on a technical point, if you'll that sure your hitting someone , try using a paint that breaks, and now a word from our sponsors...............


Well-Known Member
Jun 21, 2002
Nakatomi Plaza
Originally posted by Paul_collier
I think Dicky meant your opinion on name and shame?

Errr...yeah...but I am laughing quite hard at Robbos reply:D :D :D

Strongl- all good points. Thanks :)

Tiny man

Weebl and Bob!
May 16, 2003
Shropshire, England
Originally posted by Robbo
Phil, the problem tyger has (all part of his psychosis) is that whenever he does open his mouth in threads like this, his examples are always tournament players and well known pros.

If he sticks to his area of expertise, ie, painting yer face with cammo, attacking a tank with smoke grenades etc, then cool, but don't keep coming on here attacking touney ballers and pros just coz he can't hack it as a player.
He's like a worn out record from a sad old man !
Never get on the wrong side of Robbo :eek:


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hmmmm, name and shame ??????

Lemme think for a mo...................

If we assume, and righly so I think, that the vast majority of ballers have cheated at one time or another, then any 'name and shame' policy should apply to everybody who cheats.

That said, it would in practice, only really hit the pro players as they are the guys in the public eye and they would be the ones who would get punished by getting cut from the team.

In general, this is not a consequence that would happen in any am or novice team as the political pressure would not be there.

Because, it is the pro teams who have a higher moral obligation to play this game of ours fairly because of their postion and profile in the sport, so perhaps they should deserve it.
But herein lies my problem, I would only name and shame players who are habitual cheats, we know who they are, I would name and shame them in a heartbeat, but as for the others, I don't think it achieves anything, no more than it would achieve by publishing which soccer players committed fouls over the weekend.

This idea is one of those that in principle, sounds like a good idea but in practice would be a nightmare to introduce.

Just my opinion u understand :)