Prize Money....
If I agreed that all the money should go to the pro's and no prizes should be given to the other classes then I wrote too quickly. That is ridiculous. I perhaps understood that to be cash only to pro's and product prizes to the others.
Sure, there should be more to pro's, and more prizes to am's than to nov's. There must be incentive to move up. And there must be clear rules for forced re-classing. There must be some possibiltiy of return on investment.
As for what is fair for pro's, what is so hard about them playing 2 or 3 games out of all their prelim games against am's? Again, right now they do get beat by am's sometimes. And, again, I wonder if that embarrassment is what is behind the ideas of totally separating the classes? Playing am's for the pro's is a well and fitting wildcard, like I said before. And proper seeding means it is the same for all.
As far as looking like football or hockey or any other sport, get over it. We don't have to slavishly try to mimmick the other pro sports. Paintball is unique. Let it remain so in all its good ways.
If we see the illogic and unfairness in the dividing of classes, while the peasants pay for the upper classes, then we ammies and novies perhaps ought to think about making it clear that we might "stay away in droves" from the NPPL and Millennium tournaments. In other words a possible boycott resulting in the picture Scutty drew so clearly. We better make our voices heard loudly and clearly now, while these matters are being decided upon, before a colossal mistake is made.
I think Millennium is great. Almost too good to be true. I plan to get involved in every way I can in 2003. Let's don't kill the goose (not Chris) that laid the golden egg.
You go, Scutty!Originally posted by ascutt
Nick, I have an idea about the prize money. Lets get all us Novice and Am teams, that basically pay for the Millenium Series to run, to put our hands in our pockets and just give cash to the Pro teams just for the honour of having them at the event - despite the fact that we are no longer good enough to play them.
I have a much better suggestion - take your 'Pro team wants all the cash' attitude and set yourself up a series of events on your own, then you wont have to play us 'peasants' and you can have all the prize money as well. That way we (Nov and Am) get to still play our great events and have a share of the prize fund and you (Pro) get to reaslize that you cant stand on your own without us and that there isn't enough money generated by 20 Pro teams to put on a Millenium event and give prizes.
So, after a season of sh*t tournaments that have no prize money and a poorly run because the organisers can't afford to have pom-pom girls, restaurants, players parties etc you (Pro) can all come back to us and we might let you play with us again.
You can not force paintball into something it has yet to develop into. Evolution, by its very nature, takes time and until we can attract outside sponsorship and people pay to come and see us play we are stuck with the fact that events will have to be internally funded. This means that without the support of the Nov and Am teams (>80% at each event) the Pro teams are fairly screwed. I find it insulting that not only would the Pros not want to play us Ams but that you then want all the money too - you ain't Manchester United you know.
And Nick, you're point that its just not 'sporting' for Pros to play Ams - thats a laugh! You think we just get turned over by the Pros all the time? Do you think you just rip through us like we're not there? No wait, I know, you Pros think that we should all be sat behind our baricades with our Autograph books out waiting for your signatures - HAH! I love nothing better than watching cocky, arragant Pro players get their butts handed to them on a big silver plate by Nov and Am teams. Now this might only very rarely happen with Nov teams but it happens loads with Ams. I think that the gap between Pro and the Am is nothing more than consistancy - sponsored to the hilt and playing 5 days a week brings better consistancy quicker - thats all.
If I am being told that next years Millenium events will have a seperated Pro league with the Pro teams taking all the cake then I would rather not have them there - where is the benifit to us, the 80% of the players there? We dont get to play the Pro's, the Pro's get all the money and we get nothing. You say that we can learn more by watching Pros play - well then, start your own circuit and charge us lowly peasants to come and watch you play - I am sure you would get loads of people to pay to see you play - (cough) NOT!!!!!!!!
Please don't take this posting the worng way though - I know many of the Pro players on the Millenium circuit and like virtually all of them - I have nothing against any of them but arragant money grabbing ideas like this get under my skin.
When paintball evolves into a sport that is not industry lead and internally funded by its own players then we can make this step - until then you may have to come back to the real world and realise that you (Pro) need us (Nov and Am) for the financial support to get great events just as we (Nov and Am) need you (Pro) to help us learn and evaluate ourselves.
Thats all I have - feel free to rip me apart for my opinions.
If I agreed that all the money should go to the pro's and no prizes should be given to the other classes then I wrote too quickly. That is ridiculous. I perhaps understood that to be cash only to pro's and product prizes to the others.
Sure, there should be more to pro's, and more prizes to am's than to nov's. There must be incentive to move up. And there must be clear rules for forced re-classing. There must be some possibiltiy of return on investment.
As for what is fair for pro's, what is so hard about them playing 2 or 3 games out of all their prelim games against am's? Again, right now they do get beat by am's sometimes. And, again, I wonder if that embarrassment is what is behind the ideas of totally separating the classes? Playing am's for the pro's is a well and fitting wildcard, like I said before. And proper seeding means it is the same for all.
As far as looking like football or hockey or any other sport, get over it. We don't have to slavishly try to mimmick the other pro sports. Paintball is unique. Let it remain so in all its good ways.
If we see the illogic and unfairness in the dividing of classes, while the peasants pay for the upper classes, then we ammies and novies perhaps ought to think about making it clear that we might "stay away in droves" from the NPPL and Millennium tournaments. In other words a possible boycott resulting in the picture Scutty drew so clearly. We better make our voices heard loudly and clearly now, while these matters are being decided upon, before a colossal mistake is made.
I think Millennium is great. Almost too good to be true. I plan to get involved in every way I can in 2003. Let's don't kill the goose (not Chris) that laid the golden egg.