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Military-look markers in US- is it popular?


Pastor of Muppets
Aug 11, 2002
I will stand by the statement "most scenario/ rec players are not as good," without any ill will or whatever. I mean no offence. It is simply the case that when you keep score consistently and play in environments where mistakes are punished quickly, you improve or move on to something else.

I am sure that recreational players are swell folks, and maybe even people you'd rather be around than uber-competitive tournie guys, but it is vanishingly hard for me to imagine that most rec players are as good as most tournament players, in terms of skill. I realize that the woods game involves a set of different skills, but I stand by my statement, as the differences could be overcome in a day of two of play in new conditions. I don't think most rec players would be competitive on an Ultimate Air field in the same time frame. I don't really care to argue it, I just base this on seeing people come into competitive play from the rec scene.

Incidentally, I was originally only discussing American paintball and American attitudes toward guns and American attitudes toward people being made uncomfortable or getting bent out of shape over trivialities.


I Love The Fun Police
just a quick question. How many days aweek do th emajority of rec/scenario ballers even play, much less have training days. Tournament players are in traing almost half the week whereas joe recballer plays only once. So yeah, I would not be afraid to say that tourny players are better, bith in technical skills and overall gameplay.


New Member
Apr 3, 2003
Sussex, England
Originally posted by Grendel-Khan
just a quick question. How many days aweek do th emajority of rec/scenario ballers even play, much less have training days. Tournament players are in traing almost half the week whereas joe recballer plays only once. So yeah, I would not be afraid to say that tourny players are better, bith in technical skills and overall gameplay.
You're so looking for a slap! :D ;)

Right, I'm not a mod (only in my younger days) but this thread is about Guns and the appeal of military looking ones - not who has more game or who can run around the most - get it back on topic please!


I Love The Fun Police
Originally posted by mikeyR
So much to answer so little time!

I like Tournament paintball to watch and was at Campaign this year. I have yet to play on a Supair field; although I would like too, but I do take issue with the fact that you think scenario players are not good enough to play Tournaments. We still have to be fit because we play all day as opposed to short games, and we usually carry more kit than your average tournament player, so to say we choose to play scenarios because of a lack of fitness is wrong at best and to some, insulting.

The original point about the US having more fascination with military looking paintball markers is a social one. The gun culture in the US allows these markers to be far more socially acceptable. They do, as has also been mentioned, add to the realism of the game for the individual that owns them.

Scenario player’s kit, just like Tournament players, is designed for the environment you are in. Bright clothes and bright markers look great in a tournament environment but stand out like a sore thumb in woodland during a scenario game. Wearing camouflage isn’t about wanting to look like a soldier, it’s about giving you a tactical advantage, I’m sure even hardened tourney players understand that. Having a marker that is black also helps. Making it look like an MP5 is down to an individual, and I said earlier, too some it adds to the realism of what you are playing.

You all make a lot of generalisations about scenarios and their players; I don’t intend to do the same about tournament players. I can’t answer for all scenario players as for why we play scenarios. For me it’s the tactical game plan that you can execute, you have to use your brain and all your senses to play; shooting fast doesn’t need to be necessary requirement (so if you think that means I have no game then think it – I really don’t care).

I do not play to be a soldier. I play with ex-servicemen who all say that if they were playing just to get the buzz of combat or the training exercises they had been in before they would have stayed in the forces. They play just for fun, like we all do. In a controlled military environment it would take you all day just to take the equivalent size of ground to a tournament field if there was an enemy in front of you. When real bullets start flying ‘mugging’ someone doesn’t come into the equation. I’ll be the first to admit that in a real war situation I would probably be dead in the first five minutes. Scenario paintball does not replicate combat, it can’t do. If you die in combat you stay dead, you don’t get to walk off field and wipe yourself off. Even I’ll agree that those that think scenario paintball is combat and are in it for the military feel are wannabe Rambo’s, they even do scenario paintball a disservice!


Just thought you needed areminder of how this thread got off topic in the first place. You asked a question which was answered by several people, you took exception to the answers and fired back with your little diatribe. If you want to start slapping, we better take it over to smack talk before the fun police find this thread.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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Originally posted by Grendel-Khan
Just thought you needed areminder of how this thread got off topic in the first place. You asked a question which was answered by several people, you took exception to the answers and fired back with your little diatribe. If you want to start slapping, we better take it over to smack talk before the fun police find this thread.
I was aleady here, I don't see a problem with "thread creep", it's all related in my limited mind. Then again I'm not as anal as Mods in other forums.


New Member
Oct 27, 2001
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Originally posted by Victor six
I know that in the UK there's a fairly strong anti-military feeling within the paintball community (ie. your marker and kit should be seen as important pieces of sporting equipment, not Rambo's wet dream), but does the same thing apply to the US?

We were discussing my going paintballing at work and the stock comment came out, "You're all just a bunch of Army wannabees", to which I replied, "Well, I can stop playing, but you'll always be a cnut", and then the US's love affair with guns was mentioned.

I know of websites where modded markers (mainly Tippman- based, oddly enough), are shown- like a 'Readers' Markers' sorta thing, and I'm fond of the ol' DPM myself, but I was just wondering...

Does this make any sort of sense??
the reason Tippmanns are used is because they are really easily modified and they already have a "military" look. There's also loads more stuff available over there, companies like cheaperthandirt.com sell cheap airsoft or firearm kits which are easily attatched to a marker.
Lots of players at the big game I attended in Chicago had heavily modified A-5, Armotechs and Ariakons, seems to be the norm over there
Thought I'd suggest a few sites to visit if you like this sort of thing