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Maxs Masters - Finals & various problems


Thanks for the clarification - and I agree totally (god knows I have had some strange calls go my way).

I wasn't complaining I was just trying to illustrate to tubbie that while it may not be what the rules say (putting a player back in) - it may be the correct thing to do.



... you are preaching to the converted (and been that way for along time) my man. :) :)

peace everyone


The comments about players setting up behind the WDP stand is probably due to the fact the these players were shooting their guns out across the football fields and making a large mess of one of the goals. Now there were people walking across those fields during the weekend and at one point some 'ballers paying football (well trying to play). This was deffinately a safety issue and cannot be condoned but it may also affect our chances of using that venue again - the mess they made was unacceptable. I would expect Magued to be furious if players did this in Sweeden yet he seemed happy to let his team mates carry on in Germany until Niall got him to sort it out.
It is irresponsible behaviour like this - and like those American players that gave their kids paintballs to throw at the walls in and around the hotel - that will not get us invited back.


New Member
Tell ya what tubbie...

Originally posted by goose
...side of your bunker. The Daltons where shooting yellow paint and I was shooting blue Inferno - I had put some paint on the side of my cone (from sitting tight & changng hands to shoot) and this had caused some blue paint to rub onto my hopper.

The ref comes over and without looking/investigating and pulls me - when I tell him and show him the blue paint on the cone he just gives me a blank look (revealing what was going through his mind). What does this do - it clears our right hand side and lets the Daltons push that way, thereby altering the game.

Now I can't say that we would have for 100% won the game, but they then would not have been able to shoot rom that side as easily.

Was he a little over-eager? Maybe. Did he screw-up? definately. Did he do anything to fix it? NO.

The rules are rules, but there is a little room for common sense allowed.

Here's the another side of the story, I'm the ref who pulled you out. Another ref pointed me to check your hopper, what I saw looked just like a hit on the front corner of your hopper (one can usually pretty easily tell if the paint is from the barricade). I told you're hit, you answered 'Ok' and I pulled your arm band. After that you told me where the paint was from. After having a look I realized you're propably right. I thought what to do and as I already pulled your arm band I could not let you back in the game.

If the paint had been on the side of the hopper, or if you told me before I pulled your arm band I might have called you clean. And knowing what a mess it will be (it's against the rules) if I put you back in the game resulted in my 'out' call.

It was a bad call, but I could not change it. And I am an experienced ref having reffed about 40 tournaments, this was also second Millennium tournament I reffed. People make mistakes, experienced or not.


Stefan / Cyclone


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Nov 27, 2001
Istanbul - Turkey
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I really admire you coming up with a very honest and open explanation instead of denying, bitching or flaming the other side. I hope all the others can do that. Only then we can grow up and act as civilized adults.

I think the summary of this very long thread should be:

All kinds of favoritism should end towards anybody, any team. Every team and person no matter who they are, who they work for should be treated fairly and equally!



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Apr 3, 2002
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Point of order Whalepumper:

What were you doing moving towards the flag when the opposing player was neutral ??

Well to get the flag maybe???.....

On to your points:

1. On field chronoing is only before and during the game.

- So... are you complaining that Pro teams were chronographed after games too ?

no it was a mere statement adding to the TonTon issue

2. No Orange jerseys & stuff (enforced in Am.Nov. not in pro)

- What Pro team played in orange jerseys

you havent looked around don't ya??

3. No half coloured loaders or orange stickers. (enforced in Am.Nov. not in pro)

- I saw loads of Am and Novice players with coloured stickers on their loaders.

I saw around 3 am teams rushing to change loaders..

4. Barrel bags after and before game (enforced in Am.Nov. not in pro) HUGE penalty opportunity.

- What do you mean it was not enforced... I didn*t see a single player outside the fields, without a barrel bag on his marker ?

Except behind the WDP tent and after some of the Avalanche games when they where shooting everywhere unmasked

5. Mind the Grass ( If anyone seen one certain teams games knows what Im talking about)

- I have no idea what you mean by "mind the grass" ?

Laurent asked that SPECIALLY not to dump paint on the grass because of enviromental reasons on the team capts meeting

And because you play for a pro team my friend it isn't your privilege to judge people. I understand that you out to protect the Pro image among us plebs from the Am division but please do it on the field thats where wits and big mouth belong. Its so easy to say "you seem to be someone who is filled with envy" but tell me why you feel the urge to correct the points I made?


... again I repeat myself. This wasn't meant as a "bash the ref" comment. It happened, I'm over it life goes on...

The point I was trying to make is that, in the heat of things calls can be rushed - after all we are only human - and I feel that we, as experienced players/refs, should use the rules and common sense (again not a dig at you just the reffing situation in general). If a call is made, and can immediately be seen as a mistake then I think something should be done about it.

All everyone is saying is "yeah but it is in the rules..." correct but the rules also say that a person must be marked by paint shot from another marker - which in this case I wasn't - so technically you pulled me against these precious rules everyone is talking about.

But as I said before - sh!t happens and this wasn't meant to trash you - just to illustrate that common sense should be used by everyone who refs (and also by those who bitch about bad calls).
