... again I repeat myself. This wasn't meant as a "bash the ref" comment. It happened, I'm over it life goes on...
The point I was trying to make is that, in the heat of things calls can be rushed - after all we are only human - and I feel that we, as experienced players/refs, should use the rules and common sense (again not a dig at you just the reffing situation in general). If a call is made, and can immediately be seen as a mistake then I think something should be done about it.
All everyone is saying is "yeah but it is in the rules..." correct but the rules also say that a person must be marked by paint shot from another marker - which in this case I wasn't - so technically you pulled me against these precious rules everyone is talking about.
But as I said before - sh!t happens and this wasn't meant to trash you - just to illustrate that common sense should be used by everyone who refs (and also by those who bitch about bad calls).