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Apr 7, 2002
East yorkshire
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neil m1 said:
I wonder if madrid will be played next yr.....mmmmmmmmmm
Wouldnt bet on it!!!

Yeah!!! could it be that Dam or Stockholme maybe be back in the frame for next year???

I think the writting was on the wall for this event just by going on the build up to the event and lack of info for everyone as to actually where it was to be held not very good for customer relations to start off with and now all the rest that is wrong with the event bye bye Madrid. The Mills have definately shot themselves in the foot with this one will now be a case of damage limitation and they are probably pinning there hopes on the next events to pull em out of the doo doo :rolleyes:

Ulf Mueller

New Member
Jun 3, 2006
Zee Uboat
hmm, ...

as I can see through my periscope there are 2 paintstorages one for the indian tribe stuff (can see kind of an isolated tipi) and one for the rest which is, to describe it in a positive way, it is at least not cold in this room, ...


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May 11, 2002
Nürnberg, FRG


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Jan 31, 2005
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jotajotaZ said:
- good reffing in the games we've played / watched
I'll trade green grass for good refs any day of the week. Bad fields are usually uniformly bad for both teams, bad reffing tends to have random, drastic effects on who wins games.

I've been involved in paintball for well over a decade now, and I remain absolutely amazed that Millenium/NPPL/PSP tournaments somehow always manage to finish by end-of-day Sunday.

Here is the fundamental problem:

Running these tournaments is a full-time job. It's actually several full-time jobs. The only people who have ever put several full-time-jobs worth of effort into it was NPPL/PP in 2003/2004, and all they managed to get for the best events ever was a very deep hole in the wallet. Nobody can afford to lose buttloads of money year after year. So the events have to be run with less than the amount of attention they need, and bad things happen.

The quickest way Millenium can have consistent quality events is to stop trying to be a major public spectacle of a sport and run your events at established paintball fields. When you get rid of all the extra effort that goes into temporarily turning those stadiums into paintball parks, the remaining amount of work and effort can be spent on the things that matter:

- Refs, and... refs.

It seems to me that paintball players don't seem to be evaluating these events on how good the paintball is anymore, but instead on whether they get to feel like professional athletes. Newsflash: Paintball ain't world cup soccer. Worry about playing in stadiums when people actually show up to watch. Until then, don't be surprised when a group of people who don't get even close to full-time compensation for putting on events have ones that come up short because they're not putting the necessary full-time effort into it.

Hell, given what these guys have to work with, if they only screw up one event this season I'd call that a roaring success.