M25 Whats up people!!!
Firstly, I have no connection with sparklie or the M25 league.
I thought the event was great! the best mini millenium ive ever seen in the south.
Bad Marshals? we/tigers had no problems all day with Marshals. All you guys come away from the event sit down and moan its the english paintballer way never happy, jes! dont you guys remember Temple you were lucky if you even had more than 3 marshals per field!
Ok so their were some minor problems, but hang on, their were a hell of a lot more ups than downs. Sparklie has taken on a sh$t job no one in their right mind would touch and had to pay (£6000 loss) for the privilege to do so, I think the moaners/players should know better.
So what if Sparklie just say's F%ck it i aint gonna pay to be moaned at and i for 1 wouldn't blame her if she did. Now if that did happen who do you think would really lose out Sparklie goes back to playing paintball and running her site and no more lost money's, WE the players/teams on the other hand go back to............NOTHING (GET IT)
What this series really needs is
1) More Trade stands (something you can all help with by spreading really positive feed back to the industry).
2) Less idiouts freaking out on the fields and shoting signs etc etc etc(again this is down to the players)
3) Less moaning!!!
Here is some answers to your problems
MARSHALS do you think you can do a better job are you even willing to try? if so ring sparklie! (Stand up or shut up!)
FOOD Get your mum to make you a packed lunch or something
HARD PAINTBALLS Tell it to the teams using it or the people who produce it or get better at paintball and ya might not get shot in the first place! (If their was paint so hard it was going through netting or bouncing off scaffolding, should we not be exposing this brand? what brand was it? what team/s were using it? Did they win any games? will they use it again? Will they be allowed or even want to use it at the next event
Come on Guys be positive, credit were its due. That does not mean great event BUT, try and think before the buts who and what you might be hurting!