Dear all I am finally back on line, after mucking out the pigpen!!!!!
Most of you are now aware of our scaffolding problems. After researching and obtaining several quotes I chose a company established since 1898 that were a fully insured, qualified BSI 6651 standard company. I thought this a sensible dission as the saftey of the event was always the top proity. Being one of only a hand full of events of it’s kind in England there are not many experienced paintball friendly scaffold companies. At the site visit I gave a though brief to the manager and we spend a good 30 minuets looking through paintball magazine’s at netting we could ony come up with 3 events worth looking at.
I did not ask for the style of scaffolding we got! My scaffolders decided the tower and steel cables I had asked for would be UN safe so I got Harris fencing and poles. At 11.30 Friday the whole lot fell flat with one good strong gust of wind. We were UN able to continue till gone 3pm this and being let down at the last minuet all hammped the smooth running of the event.
Saturdays open day to the public had to be cancelled due to this, which was a huge shame, and Unreal who should have been training on the fields spent the whole day building them. At this point I would also like to thank Trevor (the ultimate on the smarts field) and his friends who worked like Trojans, Jeeves, Geoff of Diablo Direct and Donnie from Smart Parts for all their self less help. By this time we had lost a whole day.
The scaffolding company had great difficulty understand the importance of the netting and understanding the game and lots of mumbles of bloody paintball abounded. By Sunday afternoon this had all changed the owner came down to see what all the fuss had been about his first time “on site” for 4 years. He was really excited by what he saw and now understands the technical difficulties we had and is keen to rectify then if I chose to use them again.
A lot of the issues that have been mention were things that due to the time constraints now upon us did not get implemented.
The caters were booked though the leisure centre I had been promised good varied food at reasonable prices. If I can use out side caters Jim has offered his and Lisa’s services I have already sampled most of our other venues fairs and prices I do not want to see this happen again. Any one who has played my events on site will know our prices are very reasonable and the food is always good.
Please bear in mind when I was organising the event I was only catering for the 20 teams that had been showing their support. It is extremely difficult to organise a huge marquee with 3 days notice, the bulk of the deposits came in with less than a week to go. I did manage an extra 10-foot and more tables. Jewsons one of our main sponsors had also provided me with tarpaulins as a contingency plan in the event of rain.
Netting for a start it was 5 meters High the join was necessary because of the nature of construction personally I was UN happy about this too. All complaints were acted on. I personally spent some time watching problem areas and never once saw a ball go though the netting, some did bounce under many bounced over.
The main problem was the quality of paint some teams were shooting. I have already spoken to the suppliers involved. I think maybe teams should think about what they are shooting! This is why my site is site paint only because that way I can insure only the highest quality safe paint is shot. There was some very old paint being shot I really can’t see any player boxing new paint in old boxes and some of those have been out of use for over 6months now! I cannot be held responsible for the players paint, as paintballers surely it is our best Intrest to shoot good quality paint. This was also an issue at world cup hence my horrific bruises. It has been suggested only tourney grade paint, as player I take responsibility for my paint.
There have been lots of comments about the marshals all of whom did their best. No one was sat on the field on a chair as was seen at millenniums last year bear in mind I have reffed with the American pro refs too. There were a minum of 8 marshals in total per field. 30 in total.
Yes some of them were inexperienced but bearing in mind the teams initially supporting the event this should not have been such a big problem. I had asked all the big known teams to get involved and help many have now since offered. This should see improvements. I have personally paid to have all those marshals UKPSF trained what they lack in experience I feel they made up in effort for some of them this was a baptism of fire.
I was also aware of the swearing we all get heated but this is unnecessary I did address the captains at the meeting and asked them all to remind their teams that this was a very public event and to bear this in mind. Swearing and bad behaviour will not be tolerated and is not good for the future of our sport.
Bricket wood had promised to have an overhead projector and screen at our disposal this sadly did not happen hence on scoreboard. L
Next time we will all try and use our radios and the pa system I took advise on were to place it and next time we will get this right.
I am not attacking any of the comments made of the people who made them.
I am really pleased with the first event and considering all our technical difficulties and the late entry of so may teams I think we did really well.
Virtually every comment made was an issue I was already aware of I genuinely hope the offers of support help and more experienced marshals will materialise. This will help the event progress to high standards far faster.
I do believe the series could help to improve British paintball I am committed to improving what was a very good 1st event compared to my 1st ever tourney this was much bigger and had loads more technical issues and I only sold 5 boxes of paint not 60 or so. Any one playing at on site events will have seen the rapid improvements we have made.
I take the comparisons to mini millenniums I have heard as a really positive compliment this was a first event in a regional tournament. The millennium series has been in existence for some years now and is recognised as one of the best in the world so I take that as high prise indeed.
I would like to thank every one who made this possible you the players who took a gamble into an unknown quantity hopefully most of you were pleasantly suppressed.
To all the marshals, runners and Liz, Trevor, Michael, Chris, Paul Geoff from Diablo Donnie from Smarts, Bully who was always at the end of a phone and to neil jasmine and unreal for helping turn a mountain of difficulties into a mere mole hill with out them this would not have happened.
And lastly my sponsors Diablo, Smart Parts, Zap, Jewsons, WDP, Sub Seven, Extreme Rage (I will pre order at the pie shop next year

) Recca barrels, Server, Warren Wood paintball, Walk-on Zone, UK Marshalls and Tourney Park.
I hoped you enjoyed it as much as I did and Hope to see you all on the 6th of April