sometime when ive been playing for a long period of time i get too tired to hold my marker up in the air with one hand
so i just run off the field as if i were sprinting from a break or i'll end up just walking off the field
by the way.. i noticed something and tested it..
i noticed that when i wear a mask with a flexible mouth cover, the paints always pass through easier compared to if i were using a mask with a hard mouth cover
but i cant tell if the cause is the material or the ventilation ports
another test i made by using myself as the subject was that with the flexible guard is that the chances of the mask bouncing back and hitting you in the face is significantly higher than using a non-flex
tested this at 40ft range, 60ft range, 75ft range, and 100ft range
with a non-flex the paint just hits the mask and only a small amount passes through compared to a flex
also with the ranged hits, the chances of the balls bouncing off the flex are very small.. at 130+ft range the balls were still breaking, i think the flex guards are probably more useful for rec-ball
i think that when the ball is mishaped by the firing and reshaped by the air surrounding it, the ball becomes slightly more fragile
i've noticed sometimes when shooting at air bunkers, the balls wont break 70% of the time
when i tested a flexible mouth piece mask, the balls broke all the time, i still haven't seen any bounce