Dave would like to thank all the people that marshalled on Sunday without you we would have cancelled the day. Apologises for the extra grief marshals had on Field 2. All marshals make bad calls occasionally (even experienced ones) in every sport not just paintball. Don't loose sleep over it. Thanks again, its never going to be an easy job. To all the players offerring to marshal in June please do not cancel at last moment.Originally posted by Tom Tom
On the Marshalling side of things,
I will apologise for all my mistakes of the day.
It was my first tournament that I marshalled (as was for Joe with me on field 2 (severe) and the other guys had a few tourneys under there belt)
I know people will say it was your first tourney, It showed. I am sure it did but it opened my eyes to the other side of things. How many players have hand on there hearts marshalled a tourney?
I had a few years of site marshalling (not the same by a long shot i know).
When you have no marshalls for the tourney as was the case up till the day. Its people like myself who dont mind stepping and just doing it otherwise the teams would not get to play.
I know the argument I will be slated for here, Yea but if you aint good enough dont bother doing it.
How am I meant to gain experience with out just getting in there.
With our field (severe) it was a tough job because we had to try to keep up with the other fields but as Colin said we had to blow up half the bunkers after every game.
You would do one bunker and then the other 3 or 4 bunkers people asked you to do, you think you are done and the team would be like,
Marshall I asked you to do that one.....
I did. Its just gone down again,
This meant we did not get to wipe half the bunkers down as well as you as a player would like which then make it hard for you to try to tell a guy its not a hit, its from the bunker. I had a guy from WolfPac covered in orange paint because he played tight and just got orange on his left side. I watched closely and when he got hit he weant but it was hard to tell the other team he was clean really.
I believe each team who plays a tourney regularly should miss one leg to marshall and then people like myself who turn up to help with numbers just strengthen a field with a team already on it. So you start with 7 and just get 4/5 others making it a better run field.
I am truly sorry for any mistakes I made be it bad calls or just too indisisive (sp?) when I should be stronger. This is experience. When you play you arent a pro the first time you do, but you get that by training and getting tourney experience.
I feel its the same with marshalling.
I would like to Thank all the teams for there patience and thanks to Colin for cathcing the guy with goggles.
Its tough work and I appreciate more now what Cr@p marshalls put up with.
My girlfriend asked me when I got in, what other sport do the judges take more punishment than the players?
I have bruises on bruises which is fine, it goes with the job but I have ones that I never have when I play.
I am glad people did have a good time and for the final time I am sorry for those who feel like they were cheated on field 2 for whatever reason.
But until we can get more people to marshall than play every event you wont get teams marshalling you will get the odd guy who needs the cash, team cant play that event or a friend of the organisor.
Please constructive critism is good, I want to learn to be better, but dont just say ohh yea you were *&^% because you called me out when that was no way a hit, (I know thats not what Colin is saying so this is not a direct reply to him but just in general)
These things happen but without experience I wont know what to change.