You've got to have a dream...
But sadly the vast majority stay dreams...
Yes the idea is fantastic, and I would sell my Grandparents to play in this kinda facility, but it would cost soooooooooooooo much to build with a very uncertain pay-off.
Few things to note; I would keep the mixing of divisions, its cool to play and then watch the pros playing the same fields, and to be able to talk to them at/after events.
An entirely indoor field would completely preclude scenario games, which would be bad, imho it has such a big following that big games will always have people wanting to play so inside is cool, but you would still want facilites to get out into the wild.
Thirdly, has anyone ever watched "punters" (i hate that word!) playing speedall? I have, and boy was it dull to watch! I have never seen a duller thing to watch ever (and I have watched indoor bowls and paint dry!) So as a tourney facility, it would be awesome, but noone other than players parents would ever want to watch punters play (and even they would probably rather go home and pick their children up at the end of the day).
Now a woodland site with those kinda facilities (maybe with an indoor field or two for tourneys and the occasional game...) with resaraunt etc overlooking all the woodland fields, that woudl be cool, and stand a better chance of surviving
But unless anyone is/has a filthy rich uncle then I guess we'll have to wait for this kinda thing to happen much slower.
Ah well, maybe before I get as old as Robbo (which is a while...)