Ok diggie picture this
Double spread, page 113, caption right hand page QUOTE 19 magazine IPC Media Group
just over an inch high taking up 2/3rds of the page.
Caption "ever wondered if blokes might actually be on to something with their bizzare pastimes?"
"Read on to discover if your man's obsessions are great- or guff "
top right hand side above this caption "the male mind"
Opposit we have fake magazine.
with captions
free inside fantasy football wall chart
live through gadgets
in fact why not become a robot
Paintballg special
get the most from shooting your load.
Big knockers!
amazing how men can even fancy computer generated birds.
CD arranging
The ultimate scratch 'n' sniff guide to kebabs
these doners will give you a boner!
Across the top
PART 1: COLLECT ALL 50 and get a free ring binder!
Free paintballs for every reader shoot to thrill"
they are packaged in plasic bag white writing across the top on a red back ground with 3 dubios yellow paintballs with red some stuff? on them.
To me this sugest blood but this is only my opion.
Center of made up mag american style feild 6 tyres on a pole covered in fresh hits scared looking bloke complete with white flag also with spray on it.
Right on to the article now........ ok sitting comfortably beer in hand? (this is me not them lol)
quote "The appeal of some men's past times can seem unfathomable to us, but with the help of clinical psycologist Dr Ron Bracey, we've dipped into the strange and sometimes downright scarry world of 'bloke' things and possed the question: are they any cop? (well you never know - one of them might as well just ring your
whats the strory? abba, air, anistacia, ash......... bored yet? thought so. to women, such painfull organisation seams like a waste of time, but to men it's a moral obligation, as anyone who's read HIGH FIDELITY will know.
why do they do it?
"this is all about control, predicbility and reducing uncertainty," says bracey. "the kind of man who'd do this would probably holiday in Majorca for the next 20 years and have sex in the missionary position for the next 50."
Worth getting in to?
No, because Life's too short to waste time pondering whether Linkin Park should be filled under L or P. The only way to arrange CDs is into two categories : ones you like next to the CD player; ones you don't under the bed.
whats the story?
Plat station taps right in to the male psyche. Introduce a bloke to it and you'll lose him for an entire weekend untill he's beaten the highest score, or humiliated you or a mate ina head to head encounter.
Why do they do t?
"A computer game obbsession is about a bloke proving himself as being'above' the machine," says Bracey. "Both men and women have that ruthless, competitive edge, but men are conditioned into beliving that expressing it is ok."
worth getting into?
Computer games can help while away a few hours, but beware their addictive porperties. Finger blister and bags under your eyes from all night sesions aren't attractive- well only to computer geeks.
whats the story?
You might think blokes dressing up in combats, charging round woods and prtending to kill people is just a bit of harmless, play ground-styole fun. But, sadly, most men take it far too seriously. Tales of blokes coating themselfs in camouflauge paint, unloading multiple rounds of orange paint at someone's bum whilest sreaming 'Die, you *******!' are not uncommon.
Why do they do it?
"Paint balling is realising that typical male fantasy of, if only I was in the wild west armed with a pistiol and not a forset armed with dulux'" says Bracey.
"This is typical for men raised on a diet of war and cowboy films, but too cowardly to ever really get involved with either."
Worth getting in to?
It's a good way of letting off steam, but the novely soon wears off when you find yourself cowering undera bush in a bid not get shot by some crazed wannabe SAS marksman."
End quote
They then go on to fantasy football, leauge weird collections, gadgets and kebabs.
The only thing they fail to slate is the kebabs.
I would type the whole thing but being spelling challenge (dyslisic) my copy typing is not great hope this gives you a better idear of it and puts it into contect.
I find it offencive that they can't even get the name right and have a dulux fixsation!
I mean come on I run a customer site and have only ever seen face paint twise and that was the kids!
In a calm serene moment I shall contemplate this and write my reponce.
peace love and cookies sparklie
hating copy typning more by the minuet
But loves Diggie so has done it