Id have to agree with the above. Whilst this weasel has been nothing but a blight on our community id say that a group of adults turning up at his door to recover the items would look dangerously close to intimidation. Why un-do all the hard work done by the mods etc by taking the law into your own hands. If it goes wrong and events spiral out of control he wont be the criminal anymore; he'll be the kid that was approached and threatened by a group of full adults. Its not worth the risk. The five-o take an exceptionally dim view of vigilantes and they'll throw the book at you. Compile the evidence, give it to the police and hound them to bring this piss-weasel to justice. Or arrange with his parents to meet in a mutually agreed place so that they can choose to come to you rather than open the door to what could look like a bunch of heavies. You'll play straight into his hands if you start trying to get rough with him, he's a child and needs to be treat as such.