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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2012
Id have to agree with the above. Whilst this weasel has been nothing but a blight on our community id say that a group of adults turning up at his door to recover the items would look dangerously close to intimidation. Why un-do all the hard work done by the mods etc by taking the law into your own hands. If it goes wrong and events spiral out of control he wont be the criminal anymore; he'll be the kid that was approached and threatened by a group of full adults. Its not worth the risk. The five-o take an exceptionally dim view of vigilantes and they'll throw the book at you. Compile the evidence, give it to the police and hound them to bring this piss-weasel to justice. Or arrange with his parents to meet in a mutually agreed place so that they can choose to come to you rather than open the door to what could look like a bunch of heavies. You'll play straight into his hands if you start trying to get rough with him, he's a child and needs to be treat as such.
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Crimson Baller
Jun 14, 2012
Good choice,

though personally I prefer

a fine choice sir (y)

other reason i added that is some of the lyrics seem to apply ;)

It's getting closer now
The clock strikes midnight time
It is the tolling of the judgment bell

There ain't no place to hide
This is your point of no return

It's getting far too late, my friend
Let the hammer fall


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
May I suggest this thread be locked from further posts while Mods and Admin do their thang with the old bill?
Last thing we want is to compromise things or add further posts to an already growing thread, thus making it harder to keep tabs on whats going on.
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Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
I think I will leave it open for now, Jamie may yet have a change of heart.

Do keep the chit chat to a minimum please for now. Relevant posts and always welcome :)
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Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
There is more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.

Court action would probably be a none-starter.

He said he plays 4 times a week. Where?

Alternatively, if he is no longer welcome at any paintball site, he is left with gear he cannot use and so will sell on. Who to?
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Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
There is more than one way to skin a cat, as they say.

Court action would probably be a none-starter.

He said he plays 4 times a week. Where?

Alternatively, if he is no longer welcome at any paintball site, he is left with gear he cannot use and so will sell on. Who to?

He said a lot of things which weren't true. He's 16 so I find it highly unlikely he plays more than 4 times a year to be honest. Most likely is NPF, seems to make logistical sense.

His gear will pop up for sale somewhere and someone will spot it, or he will pop up at a site somewhere, be recognised and more than likely politely asked to remove himself or be removed by someone else.

I do believe his parents have no idea, there's no way this little sh*te will have told them everything.
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Tony Harrison

What is your beef with the Mac?
Mar 13, 2007
Thanks, Dusty.

If you decide to go down the court route, let me know. The immediate problem there in relation to a civil action is that he is under 18.
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Going round there can be done in several ways, none of which are illegal ... but, there is always a feeling of intimidation left behind when [big] people who you don't know come to your door expecting money ... in this sense, it may be a necessary evil .. I'm open to other ideas though .. but in my experience, people only really respond when they feel threatened even though no direct threats were issued .. just a thought !
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Din Eidyn
Sep 21, 2011
Going round there can be done in several ways, none of which are illegal ... but, there is always a feeling of intimidation left behind when [big] people who you don't know come to your door expecting money ... in this sense, it may be a necessary evil .. I'm open to other ideas though .. but in my experience, people only really respond when they feel threatened even though no direct threats were issued .. just a thought !
If anyone goes round, be prepared to deal with the police and possible harassment charges :-/ it sucks but the police have already warned against it as well

Sent from my HTC One X using Tapatalk 2


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2012
Id say that yes, sometimes intimidation is required but not when its a child you're dealing with. I know if a group of men who I didnt know turned up to my door attempting to intimidate my child id be straight on the phone to the police and coming out of my front door swinging. Both Jamie and his parents will massively play on the intimidation factor if you arrive unannounced at their door. They're looking for anything and everything they can throw at you to get off their case and it will be far too easy for the situation to blow out of proportion if adults turn up to shake down a 16 year old boy. Imagine if it was your child, you'd do what was required to defend them regardless of their guilt. Use the police to do the scary stuff, they're the ones we pay to threaten criminals. Jaimie's parents will launch accusations of harassment and intimidation at you if you turn up at their door unannounced which could easily lead to an arrest of the wrong people. I appreciate there is alot of want to take action and recover the items but the fact that Jaimie is a child is a huge factor regarding how you should go about this. Your motivation for shaking him down will be completely disregarded in court; all they'll focus on is that a group of fully grown adults arrived in force to initimidate a minor. You will lose the moral high ground and any chance whatsoever of recovering the stolen items. Please guys be smart about this and use your heads.