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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Oct 25, 2003
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Threatening is a line best avoided. Embarrassment however is a wonderful thing. Peaceful protests with placards and leaflets would possibly embarrass his parents in their street without doing anything illegal. As long as only the truth is told there is no risk of libel, as long as it is done quietly and peacefully there should be no risk of any laws being broken. Perhaps a letter to the local newspaper about the affects of social media on fraudulent activities might generate more response.


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
I can never work out why in situations like these, people think about the sensibilities and rights of the scumbags who scam innocent victims rather than the rights of the innocent people who’ve been scammed out of their hard-earned money. I don't give a flying fuhk about him or his dad, if and when individuals go round his house, then by all means, he can call the police and claim harassment, intimidation whatever .. I genuinely do not care - I know this much, if I don’t commit a crime then the police can do nothing to me .. that’s about the strength of it as I see things.

I do realise some of you guys are merely trying to help in identifying the pitfalls ahead but we've been here a hundred times before and the scorecard reads, p8ntballer.com 1 - scumbags lost ... I appreciate you guys flagging the potential problems up and I understand why you posted what you did but the last thing in my mind is upsetting these theiving prihks who have scammed our members.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2012
Im not thinking about his rights, im thinking about the wrong people going to jail for trying to do the right thing. Protect yourselves whilst you take this creature to the cleaners. The law will happily side with Jaimie if it looks like you guys have gone overboard. Take the police with you if you go round to his house, you cover your own arse and its a scary thing when a copper comes to your door. It might also provide a shock factor to the parents as to the severity of the situation. Clearly the time for words is over and action does need to be taken but use a bit of sense and finish the little f**ker cleanly so that he cant use the police against you. It'll be a bigger victory if you can recover the items, get him prosecuted and not have any of our lot thrown in nick for getting heavy handed.


eating brick!
Sep 18, 2005
worcester UK
Has anyone printed out the full thread, and posted it to the police officers who have been emailed? that way they have a hard print they cannot deny.
Sending links is fine but they may not bother to read the whole thread or may not even be able to access the site from work.

But sending hard copies of all the info, with cover letter, serial numbers etc.... kind of gives them the evidence on a plate

(hypocrit me, asking not to post then doign just that!)

Jim Jam

Dusty's #1 Fan!
Jan 4, 2012
Horsham, West Sussex
Wow, being called a "smelly bum hole" now.

Really I wasn't aware there was more than one type. How kind of you to be specific :)

It's all being noted lad, keep it up.

I strongly suggest you familiarise yourself with the following.

Malicious Communications Act 1998
The Communications Act 2003

You see the beauty of malicious communications using this particular forum is that we don't actually delete anything, simply remove it from public view until such times as we need to present it as evidence at which point the messages are still visible to mods, or we can reinstate it as publicly viewable :)
Obviously the main thing here is Fraud but if needed as Jim said before what about the Malicious Communications Act 1998 surely a claim would mean the Police have a duty to investigate further? Therefore revealing more to the story.
They would have to actually Read Everything/Anything related to the act that 'Could' or 'Does' breach the Act and this could help the 'Fraud' case - Only a thought.
Please correct me if i'm wrong as i'm not a 'Law' Student or anything like that.


Active Member
Feb 14, 2012
Go after his mum or dad for the fraud.
One of them must have opened the Paypal account for him to use,
Contact the ISP and raise a complaint about the threats and missuse of their service for fraudulent purposes.
If he has logged in and made any of posts from the school network, then a similar stance to the headteacher about improper use etc should get his folks called into school.

The question to all of the above authorities is simple, what else is he up to and who else is being ripped off. Maybe the school and ISP should look into what he is doing online.......

This would mean the parents get it in the neck from the authorities and its all legit.
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Sep 2, 2011
not read this for a while, just read through the more recent stuff and cant believe how far it has gone!! if you need copies of anything let me know as i have all of the emails still, think i posted all of them but i will check to make sure. i can also dig out the crime reference number for my complaint to the fraud team if needed.

Gaz #68

Warped #68
May 14, 2010
If he is under 16 could you make a complaint to PayPal if he's been using it and at least get the account of his dad suspended for a while. It's a start.


one case one kill
Sep 20, 2004
in the ABYSS
Sorry guys ive been away for a long weekend and had no internet, or phone for 4 days. Had a catch up on the thread and all i will say is maybe there was a little boy at home when I went around. Hiding behind the sofa ! Pete im home all day now feel free to call