Right guys,
An update to this, as I have personally been to the address in question, to which, the police were called (quite funny actually, they asked me to stay while they called the police, no problem I had pre-informed them I was making the visit). Anyways, after explaining the situation, showing him the posts where he said his dad signed for it to the officer, he basically agreed with me on the issue, however, at this moment in time it is nothing they can assist with.
Unfortunately, I never got to see Jamie in person as he was cowering inside, even with the police there he didnt have the balls to show his face. (No problem Jamie, wanna play paintball, you'll have to come out of your house eventually)
He also requested that I inform people, that if you are in the area, please do not make a call in, as there is nothing that can be done outside of court now, so the next person turning up might get into trouble.
Anyways, as of now, this starts to get very bad for Jamie and his family, and in short order, by the time court + fees on top are added, this £350 trade is now going to cost him and his mom over a grand (and probably closer to 2k). So Jamie, if you want to get this resolved before this happens, I suggest you get in touch with the seller or myself to get that money paid quickly.
In addition to that, police reports and fraud reports have been made, so he may also end up with a criminal record aswell.
So guys, you all know what he looks like, and you know the name, keep an eye out on the feilds, and (asusming he isnt banned from the site in question, oh yea, Jamie, did I mention we'll be in touch with all your local feilds to make sure you won't be playing at any of them anytime soon?) give him some extra P8ntballer love.
Anyways, now the real fun can begin