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Fraudulent activity by a buyer/WARNING TO ALL MEMBERS


Platinum Member
Jul 9, 2008
And yes, put up your phone number, I'll give you a bell then delete the number. I don't think you fully understand the gravity of this situation which has been created completely by YOU.
whatareyouonabout said:
Hi, Dusty i have accepted your request to stop making accounts and leave you guys.
But this is my only exception, POCOYO what the hell are you on about? I have been phoning T&T every day they have advised me they have delivered the package to the WRONG ADDRESS??!??!!! I still have not received my parcel and the depo security are trying to retrieve it from 107 bridge lane where they are positive it was delivered, i have recorded all of those phone calls and i can not believe you guys are still trying to accuse me of fraud, i have more than one gun, and i have 5 dye i4 masks, i have lots of kit. I have not received your parcel yet and T&T have told me this, they told me to get my money back from you and they will send it back to you as soon as they retrieve it. What the hell is going on here, i have stopped with this forum i apologise for giving you all sh*t i got bored, no excuse but yeah. Anyway this fraud stuff is getting way out of hand, just to let you know Dusty we got your letter and have acknowledged your terms, but pocoyo i'll obviously be banned in a minute and i don't want to make anymore accounts, so will you email me to jamiewalker9245@yahoo.com because you accusing me of this is bang out of order, i haven't received my package as far as im aware the courier told me its at 107 bridge lane, what are you on about? I haven't received my items and you guys are really getting on my nerves, you have your apology, i am sick of coming back on this forum, i have acnowledged the terms of the letter and i realise this may be a breach but i figured i would need to explain my self, email me pocoyo if we need to discuss this, i am already on the phone to the police and T&T will be in touch with them too, not getting done for fraud when i haven't even received my gas bottle, my dye i4 mask, and my etek 3, you guys won't believe me because of the crap over this £50 mask but this is genuine here, i have already apologised for that crap. But pocoyo this is the wrong end of the stick my friend, that photograph is a old photograph, i don't even own that gun or mask anymore i sold that years ago, so i am phoning the police to explain this but pocoyo you need to speak to the courier as i have been advised every day i phoned that they are trying to recover the package, i got my money back from PayPal so i have no idea what this mess you are starting is. I seriously reccommend phone calling me but if i put my number on here i'm sure you guys would spam me to f*ck so if you want it email me. Dusty this is my last account, terms accepted, Pocoyo email me if you need to discuss because that is not your stuff???​

Well that would be a good trick, I haven't sent a letter yet.........

Anyway, you're much too late, the police are now involved, National fraud unit too so really you're completely wasting your time as it is now out of our hands.

Explain to me please the photo of the white etek 3 AM on your facebook page?? I bet you I can give you the serial number of it too ;)

I'm not going to ban this account yet as I am looking forward to what new lies can be spouted. We also know you're lying about the package of pocoyo's, TNT work off the house number and the postcode which were both correct.

My advice and you should heed this well Jamie, is to come clean, return what isn't yours and PRAY that pocoyo drops the charges. I can do nothing now, it's outside of this forum. It's only a matter of time before I get a direct line of contact with your parents, might take me a week, might take a month but you can be sure I won't stop until I do. Again, you'd better pray I get there before the police do.
page 14


Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Jon, Lump, Jim ... have you guys got any time on Monday for a conference call or conversation on here?
If one of us comes up with a time, like 10.30am on Monday and the others can either say 'yey' or 'nay' until we get a time we can all make ...


Jul 2, 2001
Jon, Lump, Jim ... have you guys got any time on Monday for a conference call or conversation on here?
If one of us comes up with a time, like 10.30am on Monday and the others can either say 'yey' or 'nay' until we get a time we can all make ...
Call me whenever bud, just make it anytime past 10 :)


Don't run, you'll only die tired....
May 19, 2004
Northern Ireland
Yep, I can arrange a time Monday, 10.30 or whatever is fine. Equally the whats app group we have is worth a punt too.


Crimson Baller
Jun 14, 2012
Thought id add these last bits (y)

whatareyouonabout said:
Hi, Dusty i have accepted your request to stop making accounts and leave you guys.​
But this is my only exception, POCOYO what the hell are you on about? I have been phoning T&T every day they have advised me they have delivered the package to the WRONG ADDRESS??!??!!! I still have not received my parcel and the depo security are trying to retrieve it from 107 bridge lane where they are positive it was delivered, i have recorded all of those phone calls and i can not believe you guys are still trying to accuse me of fraud, i have more than one gun, and i have 5 dye i4 masks, i have lots of kit. I have not received your parcel yet and T&T have told me this, they told me to get my money back from you and they will send it back to you as soon as they retrieve it. What the hell is going on here, i have stopped with this forum i apologise for giving you all sh*t i got bored, no excuse but yeah. Anyway this fraud stuff is getting way out of hand, just to let you know Dusty we got your letter and have acknowledged your terms, but pocoyo i'll obviously be banned in a minute and i don't want to make anymore accounts, so will you email me to jamiewalker9245@yahoo.com because you accusing me of this is bang out of order, i haven't received my package as far as im aware the courier told me its at 107 bridge lane, what are you on about? I haven't received my items and you guys are really getting on my nerves, you have your apology, i am sick of coming back on this forum, i have acnowledged the terms of the letter and i realise this may be a breach but i figured i would need to explain my self, email me pocoyo if we need to discuss this, i am already on the phone to the police and T&T will be in touch with them too, not getting done for fraud when i haven't even received my gas bottle, my dye i4 mask, and my etek 3, you guys won't believe me because of the crap over this £50 mask but this is genuine here, i have already apologised for that crap. But pocoyo this is the wrong end of the stick my friend, that photograph is a old photograph, i don't even own that gun or mask anymore i sold that years ago, so i am phoning the police to explain this but pocoyo you need to speak to the courier as i have been advised every day i phoned that they are trying to recover the package, i got my money back from PayPal so i have no idea what this mess you are starting is. I seriously reccommend phone calling me but if i put my number on here i'm sure you guys would spam me to f*ck so if you want it email me. Dusty this is my last account, terms accepted, Pocoyo email me if you need to discuss because that is not your stuff???​
whatareyouonabout said:
Whall seen as though i have recorded the phone calls from T&T telling me that they have delivered the parcel to 107 bridge lane as the driver knew the area and didn't require to look at the rest of the postcode. They advised me to get my money back and when they obtain the package they will send it back to Pocoyo. I would drather not put my phone number up as i'm pretty sure i'll have a million calls by the time you have deleted it, also i havent received my package, this gun is what i bought from a person at my local paintball site, i bought it 6-7weeks ago because i was after an etek 3, at the time that etek wasn't working so i continued on to buy Pocoyos who's hasnt been delivered so i decided to repair my etek 3 i bought nearly 2 months ago. Now this is fully functioning, as for that mask i borrowed it from my mate, i have my own now, a red dye i4 mask. I just phoned T&T they still havent obtained the package, i appreciate it's now out of your hands but i wanted to explain my self so i dont get accused of everything here there and everywhere. I wouldn't lie about this crap i payed good money for them goods they havent arrived so i got it back, phone T&T and ask.​
Page 15 (I had originally grouped these in a comment. I believe it was originally page 14 for them both)

I know Urbangreg added the top comment, not sure of the bottom one. When asked about the marker in the picture (i believe it was his profile pic and one on FB), he said it was years old (remind me when the Etek3 was released?). In his next comment, he claims to have bought them 6-7 weeks ago from a friend on a local site.

HES already said to Chris at TNT during yesterdays recorded conversation (the one where Chris would not confirm he hadn't received it) that he has "already bought new equipment with the refund".
page 19
added this in because it shows Jamie's has already gone and spent the refund without waiting for this to be resolved.
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Owner of this website
Jul 5, 2001
Hi Jay - I'll attempt to use this 'what's app' group thingy at around 10.30 if that's ok with all concerned [sorry Jay, I meant to include you in on the discussion, my mistake.]

Speak to you all tomorrow guys !!!