FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ you silly basteads make me laugh so hard, im 17 you juevenile ****s and to point out the fact that i have a job, i fund my own paintball, i don't get "pocket money or sweeties as some **** pointed out". You silly silly silly ****s, you will never stop me viewing this site so quit it, i didn't even have a problem with you retards until you put me in an impossible situation "REFUND MONEY I DIDN'T HAVE". By the way topsy thanks for putting my message ahead but i feel i still enjoy arguining with these bellends. So dusty, "little willy" get a grip you fat pixelled ****. Oh and that admin who thinks he has found me on facebook, good job retard that's not even me, that kid was fat with spikey hair, seen as though my profile picture is a paintball site says a ****ING LOT. You retards really are so uneducated, oh and dusty you smelly piece of cack, you did IP ban me because it came up on my screen "you have been IP banned", so then i just changed my I.P good job. And yes i still have no ****ing clue what other sites and forums you talk about, i only ever come on this one. Then when i thought my item werent with me, im committing fraud, OH GOD OVER EXAGGERATERS MUCH. I told you i'd refund his money ASAP, what was the ****ing problem? Had to keep nagging like a bellend, i couldn't do nothing about it. And for all the silly ****s that keep commenting bollacks on here grow a pair you **** ****s and email it me instead, oh i forgot you only speak out your arse to get likes haha you stupid ****s. Not to worry i believe this 'FRAUD ATTEMPT' between me and the buyer has been settled and he is getting his money back ASAP, so if you guys want to continue a pathetic debate that actually had nothing to do with you, them bring it, but either way you can't stop me looking at this forum. For all the people who don't even have pixel authority, literally... just suck on my dick, just suck it for real. Twats. Oh and if you would like to come in contact with my mother i suggest you come knock on my door so that i can have the pleasure of pissing on you, but a letter is fine i will enjoy reading it out to her while we laugh hysterically at your higher authority pixel bearers. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO i figure you'll ban this account if not instantly so that i cannot reply, but if you choose not to ban it much appreciated i'm happy to stop giving you poop

Have a good day now!!!
Lots of love your good forum friend Jamie