![GI Team Colors](https://i.imgur.com/St7FKkA.gif)
well yes but then there were people writting stuff down on cards,Originally posted by gyroscope
Running all the way around the three bases and back to home is 1 point. You have to run to 1st, then 2nd, then third, then to home plate.
and calcultaing stuff from no. of balls pitched, strikes, who was on
which base.
The bloke sitting next to me spent the first 15 mins of the game
scribbling stuff down and then told me what the final score would
(the fact that I was sh1t faced probably didnt help!).
Agree with the flag comment kinda what I was trying to get at, the only function it seems to have is let the game time out as the
winning team run it back after a spectacular victory. Having seen
a team beet the opposition who then wants to see them lose to
the clock?