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First PA sour point


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Why thank you :) and like I said.............. lesser men than Hatts and Russ would have called off the event due to bad weather and gone hid in their tent. They wouldn't have ran around for two days doing a Macgyver and repairing it so we all got to play. Gillie spent the day rescheduling sorting and re-organising in conditions that were frankly horrendous.
As for Sky? if they had been there, they couldn't have filmed, conditions were just too bad......... in fact, I don't think they'd have made the trip...... just assumed that no-one would be stupid enough to run a major sporting event in torrential rain and gale force winds.
If the weather had been good, then we'd have had an excellent event for TV (as I'll assume the missing player/marshalls would have made it).
We camped on site.......... and at 6.00 am I was sure I wasn't going to see any paintball on Sunday. So thankyou Gillie, Hatts, Amy, Dave, Russel, Mike, Liz and John (plus anyone else I missed) for getting the tournament on............... and as for the detractors? big deal, you beat God on Sunday everyone else is small fry. (I don't mean those with constructive criticism.....Phil, Baca etc..... just those who are waiting for this to fail).


i'm with ure mom
Jun 16, 2003
sheep land
All the haters and wanna be pro's

just to say a few things i was there all day saterday with russ and all the other guys trying to get it all finnished.

i also was marshalling sunday on field 4 and what i will say is that with limited ref's you cannot expect every hit check call to be actually checked because this will of course result in the field then being wide open to movement from the players who have called all the hit check's at the same time and chaos would ensue so what we did do is watch the game as closely and professionally as possible from the four sides of the fifty and when required went in to do hit checks inside the field if we had not done this the flank's/tapes would have been open for runs galore and chaos would have ensued.(this is coming from a semi skilled ref myself but the manchester boys have been doing it for years and therefore went by there judgement)

Also like russ says it is only the teams that lost games in the div1 and 2 brackets that are doing the complaining about the ref's????
imagine none of the manchester or delta guys had turned up what sorta state would the tourney have been in then i'll tell u it wouldn't have happened so giving us abuse all afternoon and telling us how **** we were on forum's like this will obviously do you "wannabe" pro teams a lot of good won't it ???
because maybe next event half the marshall's will now say no because they are so pissed of with the slagging and then there will be a event with even more inexperienced ref's in it and u will have something even bigger to moan at:(

my opinion is this the fact that hatt's has already said this let me go into it a bit further:
Professionalism big word ain't it if u want us to be recognised stop all the bitching constructive critcism and moaning in general because it is doing nobody any good and we will not be able to bring the game into the sport world because we will look so unprofessional with the fightin within the ranks as it were.
the best idea is if u have any comment's regarding the tourney then address them to hatt's or gillie direct by e-mail or private message that way leaving the forums open for talk of what happened scores wise and general good points nad all the love we all have for each other:rolleyes: because if we want this to be a sport in the next 50 years then get ure **** together guys and take heed of my warning????

also if u knew how hard hatt's,gillie,russ,liz,myself,rob,amy,dave,goldie and anyone i've missed had worked over this weekend you would understand our anger and sarcasm when u come to bring the "construstive criticism"points onto these forums.


rob,gillie,rich harris,rich (groundsman) and rob's mate(who's name escapes me) thanks for such a good laugh on monday i was so surprised how quick that day went and how we managed to get the clean up done in a day(08.00- 21.00hrs) but we did it guys and mad props to all of u already looking forward to the next one.:D (why u ask because i love the game and do as much as i can for the game and feel gutted when wherever i have helped we get flamed oop's i mean constructive criticism)

thanks all u guys

regards & respect

Steve Hancock

Free man!
Aug 7, 2003
Birmingham (UK)
All the haters and wanna be pro's

Originally posted by jinx76
stop all the bitching constructive critcism and moaning in general because it is doing nobody any good...

....the best idea is if u have any comment's regarding the tourney then address them to hatt's or gillie direct by e-mail or private message that way leaving the forums open for talk of what happened scores wise and general good points nad all the love we all have for each other:rolleyes:...

...also if u knew how hard hatt's,gillie,russ,liz,myself,rob,amy,dave,goldie and anyone i've missed had worked over this weekend you would understand our anger and sarcasm when u come to bring the "construstive criticism"points onto these forums...
I think suggesting that there should be no public criticism is going a bit far, it just needs to be fair and balanced and genuinely constructive. Although i can understand your point of view when you and the other people putting all the work in, are getting a hard time.

IMO While there may have been problems at this weekends PA event it sounds like they were dealt with properly which reflects well on the series. That's just my opinion based on what i have heard and read. I think the PA is a great idea and holds a lot of potential, some of which we are already starting to enjoy the benifits of. However i want to hear about the problems as well as the triumphs. This isn't because i am looking for reasons to discredit the good work that has been done, i just want a true picture of how things are progressing.

If at the end of the season i was under a false impression that there had been no obstacles in the way of the PA that would detract from it's achievments.


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
Visit site
LMAO Jose, really, learn a new tune.

As the propaganda trumpet (that I hope works two ways), stop playing the same old tune. If you want a mutual love in, please elsewhere. If you wanna take some constructive criticism and advice from the players either paying to play the event or even spectators who have experience at MLTs, lets go about it in an adult manner.

The blanket response to criticism is to play the Martyrdom card, and insinuate that the Tournament won't go ahead, this really isn't acceptable. Look at the abuse events such as the Millennium get, and I think the PA gets of lightly, especially when billed s the Best UK event and your attempting to court "Top of the Christmas tree" media.

This is a PGI paid for resource, free for use by all, and there certainly isn't a PGI or P8 conspiracy being run to undermine your tournament. You can decide what you want to hear on the PA forums, on here, it's Freedom of Speech. You can use that wisely if you so wish or be a dick.

Jinx, when people are paying to play, then you gotta expect some criticism, specially when people are used to playing MLTs or using this as a benchmark comparison. As I say you can gag what you want on other forums, here we give both sides a chance to air their views, hopefully without the option of having to listen to the same old line over and over again.

At the end of the day the consumer is paying to play, s/he should assume that the organisation is in place for them to do it. I don't go to a restaurant and expect to pay and cook my own meal, or if the meal is not to my liking not reserve the right to complain? why shouldn't we as players expect the same courtesy?

Baca Loco

Ex-Fun Police
Originally posted by Russell Smith
The next time I am let down by refs at the last moment I will send everyone home and stop the event.
We had "ample" refs booked and confirmed for this event and it was on the sunday we found ourselves short.
Baca myself along with 10 other PA referees are coming over the pond to ref a little event you are holding in Orlando at the end of this month, Now the flights and hotels are booked and paid for but lets say we change our mind and don't bother to attend and also decide not to tell anyone - Will it be cancelled ?, Of course not they will rearange the attending refs and hope it works - Just what we did funny enough.
And untill we had the teams from divisions 1 and 2 in the afternoon it worked a treat.
So why is that maybe they just cheat more or maybe when then lose they need to blame someone and the refs are as good as anyone.

Come and find me in Orlando and you can buy me a beer and we will both put the paintball world to rights:) .
Russell, if you were to bail at the last minute--guess what--Lane and Rosie and the PSP would hear about it if the result was inadequate staffing. Would I understand? Sure, but it's irrelevant. The participating teams aren't paying for their best effort, they are paying to play a competitive event. Certain minimum standards must be adherred to otherwise the result isn't a competitive event. At least not one lots of teams and players will continue to be willing to spend their money on.


Jan 2, 2002
Visit site
All the haters and wanna be pro's

Originally posted by jinx76

Also like russ says it is only the teams that lost games in the div1 and 2 brackets that are doing the complaining about the ref's????
imagine none of the manchester or delta guys had turned up what sorta state would the tourney have been in then i'll tell u it wouldn't have happened so giving us abuse all afternoon and telling us how **** we were on forum's like this will obviously do you "wannabe" pro teams a lot of good won't it ???
because maybe next event half the marshall's will now say no because they are so pissed of with the slagging and then there will be a event with even more inexperienced ref's in it and u will have something even bigger to moan at:(
LOL Wannabe pro's? please :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

When you feel like you've just been dicked do you really expect anyone to be all happiness and joy? Hardly any need for some of the comments that I've heard....
Of course that goes both ways we've all marshalled before, its a thankless task which I'm sure you're well aware of but please don't insult us with the cliche that we're only complaining because we lost!
Funny how both teams that we have played when marshalled by you guys and spectators have commented how we were robbed....


Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
Would'nt it be nice to get 8 refs and 1 ultimate on each field
That I believe would be a goal to aim for, but which ballers is going to quit just to ref. Not me anyway, not skint enough yet though getting there fast


New Member
Jan 8, 2004
Visit site
Come on guys, lets be adults about this.
What things boil down to are that if you advertise something that people are paying for ,you have to deliver or said people will naturaly be unhappy. If I pay for six beers but only get four I would not accept the excuse that the bar man is busy !!,Iwould want my other two beers. People want what they are told they are paying for and this is only natural.
Nobody is saying that huge efforts were not made to make the best of things, obviously they were. But it is the same old falling short of the mark and excuses being made rather than lessons being learned, and what has been learned put into practice.
Did people get what they were promised and payed for ? NO.
If people cannot take the truth being spoken in an open forum, then they should log off.


I dont think the PA has any sort of problem with people having a genuine moan about any tourney they run but from what i saw and unlike some who have been posting I was there,

The nets even after they had the tops cut to reduce the sail effect was still over 4 metres high so whats the problem there.

The rear of the fields had no netting but the area was taped off so no one had access so no problem there.

The guy who was injured was when I looked walking around and he had recieved first aid on site by the tournament first aiders.
What else could be done there!.


And as for posting only good posts with no complaints in them please get a life, When i have a genuine moan to make to the pa i will.
But for the moment good luck and keep up the good work.

DW - I would'nt do it either and i've been skint for ages:) .

Dark Warrior

Nov 28, 2002
As far as i'm concerned the ref are there and they make judgement calls. Now no one is perfect, guaranteed if a close call goes against you you will be upset and if the judge is wrong but does not know it you will be mega upset. But at the end of the day it is still a judgement call, except the decision as it stands and follow the complaints proceedure. Only the field captain needs to approach and query the marshalls on the disputed call, no one else need apply. If you do not get satisfaction raise it with the ultimate and the last resort take it up with Russell.
The one thing you have to remember is that it may not go your way and if it doesn't then you got to accept it. Move on to the next game.
Yes we pay to play, but then you have to, it is certainly not possible to play paintball anywhere for free in this country.
You certainly get a good tournement out of your money, but you will never get a perfect one.
Be professional and move on, because 999 times out of 1000 the only people to suffer are your own team. Next time everything may just go your way.
As for the refs what do you expect perfectionists and loads of them. Wake up smell the real world and work with what we have got and try to make them better, we have all made mistakes and will make many more, but its practice that makes perfect and just as you use this tourney to help you improve so must the refs. There are no short cuts to getting it right, you just need practice commitment and tolerance