Ahhh...I love this...Originally posted by Baca Loco
Enough with the hugs and kisses, kids. Play nice.
Besides, this thread's supposed to be about the event. You want to trash peeps do it elsewhere.
So--sounds like PA is on track. In a move reminiscent of past World Cups--and what better event to emulate?--I hear there were cows next door and nets on only three sides of most fields. Were the spectators required to wear goggles? Was there enough space to accomodate them all? Couple that with a nearly invisible (but first rate apparently) officiating corps and it seems things are perfectly set-up to bring on TV. Is Sky anything like OLN?
disclaimer--please feel free to set me straight as I wasn't there--just what I've heard.
Revised plans for round 3 are to just scrap the idea of netting altogether, it's just a waste of time anyway isn't it? I've decided that next time, we can just sit in the pub for two days rather than waste time trying to put nets up which gale force winds are just going to bring down again anyway...makes my life easier.
Spectators can walk around the outside of the fields, the players round the inside, security controlled staging area. In retrospect, I guess taping off the areas that we thought might be dangerous to spectators was a bit of a lame idea too. Next time we'll just let them go where they like and I can save even more money by not having people do security either.
We've also decided that spectators don't need to bother wearing goggles, after all they're an expensive piece of kit so we can't really expect people to buy them just so they can watch and they can always put their hands over their faces and squint between their fingers if they're worried about getting hit.
On that note we've also decided to scrap insurance as well...after all if we aint got it, no one claim against it...simple really, wish I'd thought of it sooner and just pocketed a couple of grand and gone on holiday...oh well...
The cows next door? Damn, I knew we forgot something. Unfortunately the field we're using is dedicated to the PA venue and the field next to it is not used by live stock either. I did intend to ask to have the cows grazing in the field for a whole week before the event just to make sure it was well & truly full of sh*t for the players to walk & slide through...god knows I seem to wade through enough of it....unfortunately I forgot, but next time I'll remember and on the day I'll make sure they're lined up right in the next field so that players in the dead box can still have something to shoot at when they get bored.
Oh, must remember to import a couple of thousand rabbits to make sure there's plenty of ankle breaking pot holes too...I could do with a laugh and I reckon I'd make a fortune from "Kirsties Home Videos" while at the same time sacking the full time grounds-men who maintain the pitches...
Wow...this great...I can't believe how much money I'm not spending...
Oh yeah…and ref's...what a flipping waste of time. Especially the idea of trying to create an independent refereeing organisation and trying to get people outside of the industry to take paintball seriously. I mean c'mon…professionalism in paintball. Oh god! laughing so hard I nearly got a hernia... Go on, tell me another. What a load of bollox that idea obviously was, I can just get a load of pimply 14 year olds who work at some site to do it...I'm sure they'll do just as well...won't they?
But hang on a sec, everyone cheats don't they? So if we just accept that everyone cheats, why even bother with refs at all? In fact, we'll just throw out the whole rule book altogether, it's pretty frikin' pointless anyway...you only need rules for a sport and as paintball isn't and probably isn't going to be, lets just full auto and lamp the living crap outa each other till we run out of paint...oh no...wait a sec…save some so you can shoot at road signs on the way home...
Baca, I'm so glad you weren't there as you'd have been so deeply disappointed, lucky you listened to such accurate reporting of the event tho which enabled you to make such a constructive post. Lesser men wouldn't have the balls to post something just on hearsay and rumor, but you've obviously got what so many lack.
Your open support and constructive advice has opened my eyes...and I thank you. I'll try and get everything just the way you described it and you have my open invitation to come and inspect things on May 16th at Round 3...and don't bring your goggles...after all you won't need 'em