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First PA sour point

evil sharks matt

Jan 6, 2003
Originally posted by Phil

I watched a game between Manc union and Twisted mac and twisted went through the manc squad quite quick with only one loss untill the last manc lad walked of the field and then 3 other macc lads appeared to walk to the dead box so was that **** reffing or cheating players?.
The point is of course it was cheating players but if they had more refs they might not have risked it so i agree that they should have more refs just in case and i hope you like me would be happy to pay more for that.
:eek: watever duder, as zana said, lick my balls!!


Pigeon amongst the cats
Sep 25, 2002
Location, Location.
like blood from a stone, blood from a stone :rolleyes:

and the thing is the guy dont have the bollocks to actually come and meet you and discuss his problems even tho he's invited to....

evil macc = top guys who can ball not no game losers who need to cheat


Nov 25, 2001
Planet Piper away from you freaks!
I have been watching this thread since it went up.

Now I will say this (only because I feel I have to)

Phil I think you should apologise to all the Evil guys, for the simple reason people have explained what happened. You can call who you want a cheat (I am not saying anyone else in this thread is a cheat I can only speak for the guys that play for me) but please do not call anyone that plays for the sharks (evil sharks now) a cheat. The one thing I can say for my whole team is it is something we do not do, we have won more sportsmanship awards that most other teams. So please just apologise for what you have said, keep the name calling down, and contiune with the debate.

Normal play is now back on :D :D

(Evil Sharks Captain)


New Member
Mar 9, 2003
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just to say

evil macc. good honest bunch of guys, not needing to cheat to rip.
(except for the game against us, where they were wiping, had bouncing guns, and were resurecting themselves from the deadbox:rolleyes: which is why they won);)
respect geezers, will enjoy playing you agian one day.

(by the way that was a joke;) )


Crazy Elk. Mooooooooooo
Aug 23, 2002
The Wynn
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My apologies Jose, I only intended the first paragraph as a response to yourself, but even you must admit that your posts have been nothing but consistent and unwavering in your support and promotion of the PA as the Bestest Event in the UK (although have you or any of it's proponents played series such as the M25, Dartford 7's, Campaign Cup, PGI Sevens etc). And in the words of Hatchet Harry "don't play the innocent with me", as one of the "Most Influential People in UK Paintball" (as determined by the tourney organisers themselves I understand), you don't at least have the organisers ear? In some instances the situation reminds me of the "Emperors New Suit", when you only listen to what you want to hear, don't be surprised that when you go to the masses, the response may not be what you expect.

I don't have an Axe to Grind with the PA (if that's what your insinuating), if I did I wouldn't have spent 2 days getting there and playing it. After taking 4 hours to get home and missing seeing the girlfriend (she still has the hump), I think my criticism was quite constructive. I tried to explain exactly why I felt certain issues needed improvement (especially as I have had some benchmark comparison), especially in an incident that could potentially involve player safety (by queer twist of fate it appeared to me who actually make the mistake). I could have given a run down of individual issues and reffing mistakes (these do happen, and ref's shouldn't be hung drawn and quartered for it) etc, however this would have detracted from the effort of those involved especially the refs who were there. I can only hope that the money saved from not paying the missing refs is shared amongst those on field who picked up the burden, I'd imagine an extra 10 or 20 quid in their backburners would have been gratefully received.

I do have a problem when constructive criticism is either ignored or replied to in a contemptible and facetious manner. Further compounded when some people seem to think this is clever (sarcasm, generally is clever, being facetious is not, a little note for those in doubt). The response in my mind showed either a head in the sand attitude or a contempt for the paying customer (because a promoter and his Ultimate coming up with a response of "Ample", ain't cutting the mustard). Playing the Martyrdom card, benefits no-one least of you or the players in the long run. The ability to be self critical and take criticism, will raise your profile in many peoples eyes.

In summary I've got zero sour grapes against the tournament, it was a well executed domestic event, some issues undoubtedly but close in my mind to last seasons M25 Cobham leg (and if you think the PA is taking stick, look at the aftermath of that event). Take a peek in the MLT Forum and look at the bashing the Millennium series or Steve Morris gets, you think the PA gets it hard? This is a discussion forum, and any attempt I see at Sugar-coating, whitewashing or deflecting blame is going to get commented on. Forcing tournament promoters to take on board the needs and wishes of the paying customer is key to progression of the support. With the absence of any real body that acts in the players interests, we could eventually end up voting with our wallets. No axe to grind with the organisers, simple as that.

That should make my position crystal.


An Apology

Of sorts is required here me thinks however i was just reporting on what i saw and if i was wrong then i am very sorry but what i said i saw is just that.
It did suprise me that if the team did not cheat why did they get some penalty points.
Also why did the manc lads refuse to shake hands at the end, The tall guy who plays at the back was doing his nut at the end of the game.

If i have got the wrong end of the stick then indeed i do apologise but please dont just jump on me because i said what i saw.
Perhaps we should consider that people sometimes see things other people dont.

Even if what they see is not what happened:confused: .

I do not intend to post on this subject agian because it seems we are no longer allowed to voice an opinion.

But let me make one thing clear i have no grief with any first division team but you do all push! the rules and dont like it if someone notices.


Jan 2, 2002
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An Apology

Originally posted by Phil
Of sorts is required here me thinks however i was just reporting on what i saw and if i was wrong then i am very sorry but what i said i saw is just that.
It did suprise me that if the team did not cheat why did they get some penalty points.
Also why did the manc lads refuse to shake hands at the end, The tall guy who plays at the back was doing his nut at the end of the game.

If i have got the wrong end of the stick then indeed i do apologise but please dont just jump on me because i said what i saw.
Perhaps we should consider that people sometimes see things other people dont.

Even if what they see is not what happened:confused: .

I do not intend to post on this subject agian because it seems we are no longer allowed to voice an opinion.

But let me make one thing clear i have no grief with any first division team but you do all push! the rules and dont like it if someone notices.
FFS :mad: Burb mailed you and explained exactly what happened and why we got penalty points and a sosta's law.

Perhaps people should find and except the facts before labeling people cheats!

This is NOT what I expected from you.



Jan 2, 2002
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Phil wrote on 08-04-2004 10:02 AM:

Paul having read the reply by the manc lads you do deserve an apology and i will post one but i will have to do it when i am on dinner.
I dont want you to think i was getting at the evil lot in fact the first tourney i went to i saw you nearly beat nexus and liked you ever since but it does seem that the teams in the top two divisions do push the rules a great deal.
This version I recieved from PM was far better....

Besides which theres a great deal of differance between 'pushing the rules' and labelling us as cheats!



Aug 19, 2002
Barnet, Whetstone, London
I'd ignore this guy- he has a habbit of posting absolute b~llocks.
Couldnt put it better my self.

Mate you sure do live up to expectations..

The fall out at the end of the game was a complete misunderstanding and a little down to lack of experience from one of our new players, this was sorted out with the manc players and is completely none of your business.


New cut and carved spine!
Oct 25, 2002
Originally posted by stongle
My apologies Jose, I only intended the first paragraph as a response to yourself, but even you must admit that your posts have been nothing but consistent and unwavering in your support and promotion of the PA as the Bestest Event in the UK (although have you or any of it's proponents played series such as the M25, Dartford 7's, Campaign Cup, PGI Sevens etc). And in the words of Hatchet Harry "don't play the innocent with me", as one of the "Most Influential People in UK Paintball" (as determined by the tourney organisers themselves I understand), you don't at least have the organisers ear? In some instances the situation reminds me of the "Emperors New Suit", when you only listen to what you want to hear, don't be surprised that when you go to the masses, the response may not be what you expect.

I don't have an Axe to Grind with the PA (if that's what your insinuating), if I did I wouldn't have spent 2 days getting there and playing it. After taking 4 hours to get home and missing seeing the girlfriend (she still has the hump), I think my criticism was quite constructive. I tried to explain exactly why I felt certain issues needed improvement (especially as I have had some benchmark comparison), especially in an incident that could potentially involve player safety (by queer twist of fate it appeared to me who actually make the mistake). I could have given a run down of individual issues and reffing mistakes (these do happen, and ref's shouldn't be hung drawn and quartered for it) etc, however this would have detracted from the effort of those involved especially the refs who were there. I can only hope that the money saved from not paying the missing refs is shared amongst those on field who picked up the burden, I'd imagine an extra 10 or 20 quid in their backburners would have been gratefully received.

I do have a problem when constructive criticism is either ignored or replied to in a contemptible and facetious manner. Further compounded when some people seem to think this is clever (sarcasm, generally is clever, being facetious is not, a little note for those in doubt). The response in my mind showed either a head in the sand attitude or a contempt for the paying customer (because a promoter and his Ultimate coming up with a response of "Ample", ain't cutting the mustard). Playing the Martyrdom card, benefits no-one least of you or the players in the long run. The ability to be self critical and take criticism, will raise your profile in many peoples eyes.

In summary I've got zero sour grapes against the tournament, it was a well executed domestic event, some issues undoubtedly but close in my mind to last seasons M25 Cobham leg (and if you think the PA is taking stick, look at the aftermath of that event). Take a peek in the MLT Forum and look at the bashing the Millennium series or Steve Morris gets, you think the PA gets it hard? This is a discussion forum, and any attempt I see at Sugar-coating, whitewashing or deflecting blame is going to get commented on. Forcing tournament promoters to take on board the needs and wishes of the paying customer is key to progression of the support. With the absence of any real body that acts in the players interests, we could eventually end up voting with our wallets. No axe to grind with the organisers, simple as that.

That should make my position crystal.
You've made the same mistake a lot of people do......... just because I think the PA is very good, doesn't mean I'm against any other tourney.......... in fact you'll not find a negative comment from me against a specific tourney at all....... I'm just a player and don't consider my complaints important enough to affect someones livelehood, so just because some players are pro-PA anti-something else, doesn't mean I'm the same. That won't change until safety is compromised.
I support the PA and want it to be a success, but I never told anyone not to complain, as for "one of the most influential people" yes, people tend to listen, so if I'm going to say something negative then I make damn sure it's right. My posts were supportive, nothing more...if you read more into them then go ahead and I still never accused you of having an axe to grind.... but you keep denying it. It was an open complaint about people "having a go" not begin constructive..... no-one else jumped on it.
Look around, you'll often find me posting when someone starts attacking something.......... recently I've stuck up for Fat bob's, Just paintball and the Big Game (over the"overcharging and misleading customers thing) . I've got no vested interest in any of them and no-one seemed to have a problem with it. Or maybe I should only post negative stuff? seems to be the accepted way.