Originally posted by Hatts
1--Indeed their was netting on all sides...until around 3pm on Saturday when gale force gusts of wind brought it down on 2 sides. Alas time and resources dictated that there was insufficient time to reinstate it before Sunday, but as the gales continued throughout the weekend it would have been rather pointless anyway...the area was however cordoned off from spectators for safety reasons.
2--Ample refs to do the job properly? Hmmm...and what do you consider "ample refs"? Unfortunately there were not as many referees as we would have liked, however I consider that given the experience of the referees available, yes there was.
3--Ample space for the attending crowds
...plus acess to trade food & toliets so they could eat, drink, deficate, urinate, play with nice shiny toys and even watch some paintball to boot...
4--For info Sky Sports are pretty much the top of the Christmas tree as far as the UK goes...
5--I have no objection to being "questioned" on results...and I read your post several times before I responded...I've also read it again several times since...and it doesn't come across any different now to the first time I read it....focusing on the problems and loaded with sarcasm...
6--perhaps I have misinterpreted the spirit with which it was intended...although I suspect not. Perhaps I might have taken your post more seriously if you had balanced your "line of questioning" by also asking about some of the more positive aspects, but then I also suspect that either they weren't reported or were perhaps tactfully omitted from the report ... 
7--I'm flattered that you consider the PA League to be one of the biggest tourneys...we're certainly aiming to be...ahhh..."significant"
and the concept behind the PA is not simply to host yet another paintball tournament...there is an awful lot more to it and behind it...
8--You can ask me some questions about the good stuff now if you like...and then I'll see that in a positive light...and it'll restore my Chi or Karma or whatever the hell it's called.
9--You know I often wonder that with paintball having such a hard time already why it is that when someone comes along who tries to do something good, our own community starts slating it, pulling it to bits and focusing on the negative. I'm sure glad the people we're working so hard to sell paintball too don’t know about this forum…because I am strongly of the opinion that if they read your “questions” they’d come away with an impression that we’re a nothing more than a bunch of amateurs dicking about in a field with toy guns. I just can’t get my head round exactly the point of your “questions”? In what way should I take them in a positive light?
Told you you'd have been disappointed
1--excepting of course the event was played on Sunday so Saturday's configuration isn't terribly relevant, is it? I realize the weather wreaked havoc with the set-up--these things do happen--but ultimately it's not really an excuse, is it? "Mr. Jones, the plumbing is tip top though there's that leak in the shower and the cold and hot water taps are backwards." Some things simply have to done right or they can't very well be considered professional.
2--4 per field ain't ample unless you're playing 3-man. Doesn't matter how good they are. This is one of the hardest issues for even the biggest promoters to deal with. Players recognize this but from your position you ought to simply own up and move on. Put a happy face on it if you want but it isn't what you believed necessary prior to the event so how can it be okay after the fact?
3--Now you're doing it.
4--so if you pull it off it's a major coup.
5--as a promoter it's your job to focus on the problems, isn't it? My asking the questions, regardless of tone, gives you a chance to respond positively. I'm actually doing you a favor here.
6--as you've already pointed out--I'm not reporting on the event. If you want a pat on the head for what worked out well read the other posts in the thread--there's quite a few of them.
7--See, you're mis-reading me again. My point was, that by your own admission your goal is to be significant, and as that is the case you must be prepared for a higher degree of scrutiny--just like the big boys. (Who, as a general rule, don't like it any more than you do.)
8--see responses 5,6 and 7
9--for the most part pball
IS a bunch of amateurs dicking around in a field with toy
markers. As soon as somebody starts offering and delivering something in the neighborhood of a truly professional product it will be trumpeted to the rafters. See Huntington Beach. Everyone in the business of promoting pball deserves respect for putting in the time and effort but it isn't a free license to fall short. Trying is one thing and succeeding something else again.