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Final Solution sucks...


Old School, New Tricks
Originally posted by JohnJ

If they are serious about the sport they will quickly realise that its offensive and is unlikely to attract:
A) Support or acceptance in most arena's
B) Sponsors
Naturally, the question then is do they even care? IMHO people of the opinion that the "job wasn't finished" are often the types who will try to kick you in the head if you disagree with them.

The KKK rallies have already been mentioned before, but it's a prime example. They believe they're "Getting the message out" and fighting the "Ignorant" by holding rallies in big cities. It's actually a joke that they don't get, but that doesn't matter to them. They'll continue to hold rallies, and use them to get more members and what they believe is 'support'.

Same deal here. As long as the powers that be will allow it, they'll do it.



Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
Ambiguous Names

Right, I said much earlier in this thread that I found "Final Solution" to be an offensive name. Yes I have got some Jewish Blood and yes I did study history so I made my Statement in what I thought was a morally strong position without thinking that there may be something else behind the name.

Ok, here's a spanner in the works. Everybody keeps mentioning outside sponsorship and KKK.

Suppose another German team turns up with "KKK" emblazoned on their shirts. What would peoples reactions be?


Just the tip....
Jul 7, 2001
i cant see why a German team would chose a name like this unless proud or agreeing with the idea of Final solution. i would be ashamed and embarrassed to be part of it, so I am assuming all members of the team are like minded. and it strikes me that they seem to be asking for trouble.

Part of me says let them play under that name, and see how long they are in this sport before being detested, even after the name change that will inevitably happen,

the other part of me says no way are they playing, that is just offensive. Imagine a elderly jewish man turning up with his grandkids to watch a tourney with them playing. Just imagine what he will think of the sport and the people who play it.

It seems to me that their paintball career is over before its even started.


EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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Ambiguous Names

Originally posted by IanC
Right, I said much earlier in this thread that I found "Final Solution" to be an offensive name. Yes I have got some Jewish Blood and yes I did study history so I made my Statement in what I thought was a morally strong position without thinking that there may be something else behind the name.

Ok, here's a spanner in the works. Everybody keeps mentioning outside sponsorship and KKK.

Suppose another German team turns up with "KKK" emblazoned on their shirts. What would peoples reactions be?
Most of us would look at disbelief which at first would make us laugh and then turn to rage. If it looked like they were there on some other agenda than paintball, I would ask them to leave. Otherwise I would then do everything in my power to persuade them to register for the tournament under a different name without any of the offending name anywhere to be seen. Ánd I would be undertanding if they didn't know what the name meant to most of the world.

But no way they gonna play at any tournament I play or work in under the name KKK or Final Solution or Death to the Jews (same thing) or Nikka Thumpa or SS Jugen or any other clearly offensive name which is the communicative equivalent of wearing a swastika or SS lightning bolts.

I personally don't put Joy Division in the same league, but if it could be a slap in the face to anyone or any group then it has to go. Magued is the man to say that.

If the rest of Millennium is like Magued, and I think it is about this, racism, chauvinistic nationalism, politcal or religious agendas will not be tolerated. The sport of paintball is and will remain a neutral playground for people from all different backgrounds and with all different persuasions.

Vive la difference! But show some respect.


Incontinentia Buttocks
Apr 3, 2002
Isle Of Man
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Interesting that the lads that have formed "Final Solution" used to be called "Mellow"

Quite a difference in team names there boys:confused:

Must Grumble:(



EnHaNcE tHa TrAnCe
Jul 9, 2002
Stockholm, EU
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Originally posted by Cook$
i Imagine a elderly jewish man turning up with his grandkids to watch a tourney with them playing. Just imagine what he will think of the sport and the people who play it.

It seems to me that their paintball career is over before its even started.
For all practical purposes consider ME to be that elderly Jewish man! And quite a few other of my friends, some of whom are BAD ASS MOFOS!

Political correctness isn't always bull****. Sometimes it is about not stepping on people's toes, not spitting them in the face, not walking over them, not pissing on their graves.


Active Member
Jan 24, 2003
Searching for the pro-tour....:S
KKK (German Turbo anyone??)

Well you could be quite right in your views, but having spoken about sponsorship so much woulds you object if they had
"K K KOMPRESSORS" on their shirts?

Forgive me if I can't remember (much less spell :eek: )
the first two words of the company name. KKK are a German Turbocharger Company. The point i'm trying to make is that although final solution is perhaps an extreme case, as is the example of KKK as a sponsor. Perhaps we should be wary of how, as a community, we approach the issue of team names.

There may be something of horrific national importance in a team name for one nation that may not mean anything to outsiders. Different things can have different meanings for different cultures, car companies, for example, spend millions on researching new car names in every market they will be sold in. Just to ensure that the words FOCUS or VECTRA don't mean anything offensive in another language.





New Member
Aug 16, 2002
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In the US it's taught in all schools and well known that Hitler referred to his plan at his "Final Solution", clearly the German members of this team know exactly what the connotations are and should never be allowed to play under that name.


Sep 9, 2001
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It may not be that clear. In Germany there are at least two websites which have "final solution" in their names that have absolutly nothing to do with Hitlers plans for so called inferior races. One is a program designer for palm PC's and another is a LAN party group.
While I agree that their team name could very easily cause offence to a great many people, it shouldnt be assumed that they know this.

I have posted the team captains email address earlier on in this thread. Maybe someone who speaks german could send an email to let the team know that their team name could cause offence.

I also personally think that teams with sexually offensive names should also be asked/made to change them as well. I dont think that it gives paintball a proffesional image which everyone is stiving to achieve.


Mother, is that you?
The attempted genocide of the Jewish race, less than 60 years ago, on their home soil.... and we shouldn't assume they know this? What are you suggesting, it's some kind of remarkable co-incidence that they chose this name?

There's no benefit of the doubt here. You choose to celebrate the mudering of children, and you deserve to be fked. proper fked.

No offence Crum.