A few points I need to make and think I talk for the rest of my team.
A player should only be called neutral if the marshal feels he may have been shot in a position not easily seen without a thorough check, if the player is being watched from both sides calling a player neutral should happen as little as possible so to not hold up the game.
Favouratism: It does happen everyone knows that however for me personaly, The Kelly's are not playing the series, I do not care who wins, I am friends with people on many teams but if they get shot their gone.
Pushing people out of baracades to get them shot. I saw this happen, it happened on my field if its the same event. The player in question was shot, he knew he was shot, the judge knew he was shot and so did I. The reason for pushing the player out of his baracade, (not the way I would have done it) was because it was the only way the judge could remove him from play because the player refused to go. If you think I'm lying fair enough but people who know me should know I'm not.
I judge and my team judges the way I want to be judged, all players were treated the same to my knowledge if your shot your pulled, if you go onto a field with an old hit and get pulled its your fault. I pulled one of inferno for a hit that after the game realised it was an old hit when showed to me, however during the game I saw the hit and paint on the baracade, also shell on the players top, I pulled him, I apologise for the mistake however I have always checked my self for hits before playing.
We aint perfect but feel we did a good job and will continue to do so over the whole series.
Maybe the person who wrote the original post can re-think his statements, or maybe with no hard feeling could express his feelings to the judges or steve bull and problems can be corrected before the next leg, again SORRY FOR BEING CRAP mate, maybe you can judge next season....
Phil Starr Kelly's and proud of it dude ....
A player should only be called neutral if the marshal feels he may have been shot in a position not easily seen without a thorough check, if the player is being watched from both sides calling a player neutral should happen as little as possible so to not hold up the game.
Favouratism: It does happen everyone knows that however for me personaly, The Kelly's are not playing the series, I do not care who wins, I am friends with people on many teams but if they get shot their gone.
Pushing people out of baracades to get them shot. I saw this happen, it happened on my field if its the same event. The player in question was shot, he knew he was shot, the judge knew he was shot and so did I. The reason for pushing the player out of his baracade, (not the way I would have done it) was because it was the only way the judge could remove him from play because the player refused to go. If you think I'm lying fair enough but people who know me should know I'm not.
I judge and my team judges the way I want to be judged, all players were treated the same to my knowledge if your shot your pulled, if you go onto a field with an old hit and get pulled its your fault. I pulled one of inferno for a hit that after the game realised it was an old hit when showed to me, however during the game I saw the hit and paint on the baracade, also shell on the players top, I pulled him, I apologise for the mistake however I have always checked my self for hits before playing.
We aint perfect but feel we did a good job and will continue to do so over the whole series.
Maybe the person who wrote the original post can re-think his statements, or maybe with no hard feeling could express his feelings to the judges or steve bull and problems can be corrected before the next leg, again SORRY FOR BEING CRAP mate, maybe you can judge next season....
Phil Starr Kelly's and proud of it dude ....