Right then...
....first of all , I did n't play , me and the missus turned up to watch for a couple of hours ( then got blocked in , and stayed for a lot longer ). It was cold , it was wet , and it was f'ckin muddey. But that aside , it was a good tourny. People played ball. And they enjoyed it.
Now to the point of this. I've read the quote of the first posting ( thanks Russel

) , and I did see some of the points he mentions. However , I also think that this spectator may have been a little biased. Several of the points are related to one particular team. They probably know who they are , and therefore 'My2pence' will probably know me too. I'm not sure who you are though.
Anyway , theres always two sides to everything. People get shot , a marshal comes to check them , they think they've been hit and raise there arms to help ( kind of knowing they are shot ) , the marshal pulls them for lifting their arm. I saw it. Player moved to a tea bag. another player trys to mug , they both shoot at each other. Mugger gets shot and leaves , tea bag players checked , turns and raises both arms , nearly walks , then thinks about it and waits for a descision. Now he was pulled for lifting his arms , but he was shot on his gun too ( he did n't know at the time ). So regardless. It was a good call , and the player knew he should have walked really.
Thats one of the points and I could explain a few more. but I think this makes the point on marshalling. At the end of the day ( and I've done this ) standing in the cold , rain , mud and between 10 ballers trying to shoot the crap out of each other , is not nice. You're under pressure , you have to make a call at that moment. Not 30 seconds later. Given the conditions ( and I'm not talking just about the mud ) the marshalling was as good as you're going to get. There were some very experienced marshals and
sh!t hot players doing that job on Sunday , they did know what they were doing , and they did a good job.
As for the site. Well its Elsham. Everyone who has played there knows what its like. No matter what time of year it is , and what weather we've had , the bottom of the field is always a bit riskey. Cars get stuck , parking is a problem ( because its a popular tourney ) and if it rains , the water runs off the fields above straight over the tourney staging area. You know what its like , and you go back because where else can you play 7 sup'air fields on grass regularly? ( Dont say the Millennium , you know what I mean ). Its a good tourney. If you've played one , you know what I mean.
Nuff said I think. Bully and mob , another good one mate. We came and got wet , muddey and cold , and did n't even play. We loved it though. Saw a few mates , had a laugh , and went home for a hot bath.
My2pence , if I know you , and you know me , get in touch mate. I dont mind going through some of the rough calls you may have seen , and show you a different perspective on them.
Cheers all.